February 2025 Minutes

Held on February 20th 2025 at Frampton Village Hall. 
Present: Cllr Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hladun, Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Pryke (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Tennent and Cllr Middleton (Lincolnshire County Councillor).
Absent: Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor), Cllr Claire and Cllr Hildred.
In attendance: Lana Maclennan-James (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer) and one member of the public.
Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
The member of the public lives in Thornimans Lane (the Old Chapel) and he had to have the roof scrapped due to moss coming from the trees, he is wondering if he can cut them back a bit. Cllr Ashton shared that we typically support trees being cut back when needed and he and Cllr Middleton advised the gentleman to contact the Borough Council (as it likely has a TPO) to request if this can be done via the planning website as the trees are not on his property. 
76. Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 – 20.02.2025)
Cllr Hildred and Cllr Claire.
77. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Agenda item 2 – 20.02.2025)
Cllr Ashton declared interest in the second point on planning applications. 
78. Approval of minutes for meeting held 16th January 2025 (Agenda item 3 – 20.02.2025)
Council agreed and approved previous minutes to be signed as correct. 
79. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 – 20.02.2025)
I. B/24/0039 – Unit 3, Fen Road – Biomass boilers. No comments or concerns.
II. B/24/0057 – The Firs, Frampton Lane – No comments or concerns.
80. To discuss the environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 –20.02.2025)
a) Cllr Pryke shared that there was a cannabis farm dumping throughout Frampton on the 20th January 2025 (various deposits on the roads). There are currently no details on where this came from. 
b) Cllr Pryke also shared that he has also reported around 3 or 4 fly tips in Frampton. Cllr Middleton shared that fly tipping is down 13% this January compared to last year showing that the education and fines are working.
c) Cllr Pryke has had a complaint about the road service in Lenton Way, he will try reporting it again to LCC.
d) Cllr Pryke spoke to John Cooper about the state of the mud outside St Mary’s Church Gate, John has since solved this by sourcing his own material. Cllr Pryke asked if this warrants the Parish Council to request LCC to put in a footpath. The Council believe this is a good idea and so Cllr Pryke will contact LCC and Cllr Austin. 
e) Cllr Pryke also said that the National Grid sections 3-5 might happen fairly soon.
f) Cllr Burton shared that the street lights are yet to be done. There is another one out – number 30 Middlegate Road East, the clerk can report this to be fixed.
g) Cllr Burton informed the group that 2 signs are down on the junction between Bannisters Lane and Ralph Lane, these have been reported.
h) Cllr burton shared that St Michaels Hall was hired out about 10 days ago and was damaged and had other issues such as underage drinking. The hall hirer left the premises at 11pm with people still in attendance. The hiring terms have since been redrawn. There is the possibility to take a CCJ out on the hirer. 
i) Cllr Hladun shared that the litter he reported last month were collected within two days, thanks to the fly swatting team. 
j) Cllr Hladun has reported pot holes in Frampton Fen Lane and one has already been filled. 
k) Cllr Hladun shared that Hubberts Bridge Community Centre had a meeting last Monday. Bookings are fairly good currently, there are a few weddings booked in too. As a committee, they are pushing to have 4 car boots a year, the next is this Sunday with 25 tables booked. They are also looking to reignite the bingo. The hall has to have the wooden floor polished and will be out of action for 2 weeks, this will cost £5300 but is looking to get another quote. He asked if the parish council could permit a grant for this cost. The council said they will look in to it after another quote is received. 
l) Cllr Balgarnie has reported several fly tips but these were always picked up quickly after reporting. 
m) Cllr Middleton encourages someone from the council to go to the liaison meeting next week.
n) Cllr Middleton shared that the Borough Council has bought 2 new street cleaning machines, one will be sent out in to Boston villages. As well as this road sweepers will now be coming out at lunchtime.
o) Cllr Ashton asked the Borough Councillors present about the Roundabout at the Hammer and Pincers. He asked that they bear in mind that currently the B road has priority over the A road when it should be the other way around. 
p) Cllr Ashton shared that the milestone has been moved. He suggests that we can ask the gentleman who looks after the grass to keep the area trimmed around it. 
81. To discuss the details and work plan for the next quiz night (Agenda item 6 – 20.02.2025)
There are some flyers ready to be distributed and newsletters will be out next week. The newsletter has grown which in turn has increased the price, the council confirmed they are ok with this. 
82. Clerks Report & GDPR (Agenda item 7 – 20.02.2025)
The clerk checked with the Council that the Boston Borough Council invoice for electric usage can be paid. They confirmed this can be paid. 
83. Correspondence received (Agenda item 8 – 20.02.2025)
Cllr Burton will attend the Parish Council Liaison meeting. 
The Clerk received and shared an email from a resident regarding issues on Fen Road. The parish council has been trying to get a pavement put on this road for a while. They believe that highways are considering doing this. It is unlikely that we can get LCC to put in a street light but this may change if a pathway is put in. Clerk to email Cllr Austin for any update prior to responding to the resident.
The Clerk received a request from a resident regarding a regular Chair Yoga Newsletter entry. We don’t have the space for a specific article regarding Yoga but we are more than happy to run an advert for his classes in every newsletter. 
We had correspondence from the Outer Dowsing Group regarding an invite to a meeting, Cllr Burton is happy to attend this. 
84. To discuss financial matters/payments (Agenda item 9 – 20.02.2025)
a) BACs to be approved:



Invoice/Remit No




Clerks Wages










LALC Membership





BBC Electric Costs




b) Update on bank account - £53,940.30
85.  Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item – 10 – 20.02.2025)
The next meeting will be held on March 20th 2025 at 19:30 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre. 
The meeting ended at 20:30.
Cllr Tennent and Cllr Burton gave their apologies for the next meeting.