October 2024 Minutes
Held on October 17th 2024 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre.
Present: Cllr Fowler, Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Tennant, Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Hladun, and Cllr Pryke (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward).
Absent: Cllr Hildred, Cllr Claire, Cllr Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor), Cllr Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward) and Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward).
In attendance: Lana Maclennan-James (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer).
Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
39. Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 – 17.10.2024)
Cllr Clare, Cllr Rylott, Cllr Middleton, Cllr Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor) and Cllr Hildred.
40. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Agenda item 2 – 17.10.2024)
41. Approval of minutes for meeting held 19th September 2024 (Agenda item 3 – 17.10.2024)
Council agreed and approved previous minutes to be signed as correct.
42. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 – 17.10.2024)
I. B/24/0402 - Evergreen
II. B/24/0401 – Evergreen
Comment via email from Cllr Hildred:
I have no objection. This property was originally connected to the yard we occupy and we bought it off the Jackson family many years ago on the passing of Mr and Mrs Jackson. The bungalow is lived in by the daughter Ann Jackson who has lived there all her life and is not involved in agriculture therefore in my opinion this is a genuine case of having the agricultural clause removed.
Council had no comments or objections.
43. To discuss environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 – 17.10.2024)
a) Cllr Balgarnie shared that there were a few last-minute road closures, however these aren’t advertised well.
b) Cllr Tennant shared that one parrot mentioned in the previous meeting is still missing.
c) Cllr Hladun asked if the new wooden walk way for the Four Cross Roads needs planning permission. Cllr Ashton shared that he checked and it does not.
d) Cllr Hladun shared that a bungalow in Frampton has many cars/caravans parked on the verge, with various people living in it, they also have horses, dogs and are selling puppies. The clerk is to write to environmental health on the multiple people living in caravans on the property. Address - Field View, Frampton Fen.
e) Cllr Burton informed the council that he attended the parish liaison event and planned to share what he had learnt but the clerk has already forwarded this information.
f) Cllr Burton heard from Alan Watts (Senior planning officer) at the parish liaison event, who shared some documents for people to look at online in regards to planning, these were the general permitted development document and permitted development rights for households. The clerk will be sent a link to a site, for the basics of planning applications. He also stated that he was surprised to learn permission is not needing for development that is less than 50% of the property.
g) Cllr Burton shared that the community leadership team are doing trusted volunteer schemes, there is some information online for this. This enables residents to have some training to be an “official” volunteer for events.
h) Cllr Pryke shared that he reported some fly tipping near his home.
i) Cllr Pryke also shared that there is a lot of mud left from farmers on roads around Frampton, he asked if there was a law for this to be cleared, however Cllr Ashton has said this was non-enforceable. Cllr Balgarnie shared that this is going to be dealt with. Cllr Balgarnie will find out who is behind the mud left on the road.
j) Cllr Pryke shared that a resident questioned the Wyberton boarder fences.
k) Cllr Ashton asked if the RSPB and the new café has caused any extra traffic, Cllr Fowler shared it has and that there is 200+ cars a day coming and going from it. Cllr Ashton asked if we could get a speed survey done on that road like has been done in other places around Frampton, as it would be good to have a picture of the average volume and speeds of vehicles visiting RSPB. Cllr Burton shared that it is an asset to the village and he wouldn’t want to fall out with them, but asks what can be done about it, other that better and bigger passing places. Cllr Ashton said that he agrees but if we get this information, we can take it to the County Council to request bigger passing places. Cllr Tennant shared it would be interesting to see how much traffic goes in the Wyberton way and the Church end way. Cllr Pryke wrote to the county council last year stating how the roads need to be improved, however did not receive a favorable response, he then asked Cllr Austin to take her divisional manager for a drive down the road to show the state of it however, this also led to no change as of yet. Cllr Ashton shared that he will ask Cllr Austin for any response she has had, we will also write to the road safety partnership.
l) Cllr Ashton stated that the War Memorial is amazingly clean, he said he knows Cllr Hildred cleans it every few weeks.
m) Cllr Austin shared via email that she has received the official consultation documents regarding the introduction of a 40mph speed limit along part of Frampton Fen Lane. This follows on from a request for a limit by a local resident and Cllr Austin was happy to support her. This has been deemed appropriate by the Highways Officer and the formal consultation process is now under way. This is a standard procedure that has to be gone through. Cllr Austin doesn’t foresee any issues.
n) Cllr Austin reported that she will check on progress regarding a footway and also speed restrictions at her next meeting with the Highways officer. She is going to ask for extending the speed restriction further than was initially discussed, but doesn’t know how well it will be received. The junction with Five House Lane / Silvertoft Lane is not good and she wonders about asking for 40 mph right up to the Ralphs Lane crossroad. No doubt this would also require consultation. As yet, it is only her personal suggestion so parish council comments will be appreciated. The council discussed this and Cllr Ashton will contact Cllr Austin with what was discussed.
o) Cllr Austin shared that she believes that there may be some plans regarding the junction at the four cross-roads, but as yet she has no details.
p) Cllr Austin reported that a resident has submitted a long email of items that she is concerned about. Cllr Austin received this email today and will pass it verbatim to Highways for further consideration.
q) Cllr Austin stated that regarding Middlegate Road there is not a lot she can say about Anglian Water's operations.
r) Cllr Burton shared that usually a check of streetlights is done during October time and we should be thinking of looking now and seeing if some sodium lights need to be replaced. Clerk to add this to the next agenda.
44. To discuss adding information about the installation of various power line and cable projects going through the village into the newsletter (Agenda item 6 –17.10.2024)
Cllr Ashton asked the council for their suggestions. Cllr Pryke said that it would only be useful if we can show a particular route as we do not know this yet. Cllr Ashton asked that this be deferred until we know more, however to add a line like “We can help you if you have any questions or concerns with the pylons” / “contact us”.
45. To discuss the results of the speeding survey (Agenda item 7 – 17.10.2024)
Cllr Ashton shared that the take home from these were that no actions will be taken as the speeds were not higher than the parameters, which backs up advice often given.
46. To discuss FPC “Pub Night” to be held on Saturday 16th Nov 24 (Agenda Item 8 – 17.10.2024)
Cllrs Burton, Hladun, Balgarnie and Fowler have said they will bring a team. Cllr Ashton shared that the food will be a hog roast. Clerk to make a poster for the craft fair & leaflet distributing, this can also go on a local Facebook page.
47. Clerks Report & GDPR (Agenda item 9 – 17.10.2024
The clerk has been contacted by the internal auditor for a date for the mid-year audit. The council agreed for an audit to be booked in.
The new position for the milestone has been approved and is ready to relocate. Cllr Ashton will get this done before Christmas as plant vehicles will be needed.
48. Correspondence received (Agenda item 10 –17.10.2024)
Kirton Digital Services - These are ongoing so can be put in to the newsletter. Cllr Balgarnie asked if Frampton could look in to doing “drop in” sessions. Cllr Pryke shared that this is a popular event in Kirton. It would be hard for residents to get to any events like this in Frampton. Cllr Ashton said that this is something that can be bought up to be looked at in the new year.
We received a Mosque open day invite to share with residents for November, however we have no way to get this out. The council agreed that the Clerk is to make a Facebook page – share this to it.
Local police emailed over an update with ongoings, this was sent to the councillors earlier today.
49. To discuss financial matters/payments (Agenda item – 11 – 17.10.2024)
a) BACs to be approved:
Date |
Description |
Invoice/Remit No |
Amount |
19.09.24 |
BBC Precept |
Precept |
12,440.05 |
- |
24.09.24 |
PKF Little john – AGAR |
LI0132 |
252.00 |
42.00 |
26.09.24 |
ICO - DD |
ZA461323 |
35.00 |
- |
b) Update on bank account - £58,152.78
50. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item – 12 – 17.10.2024)
The next meeting will be held on November 21st at 19:30 at Frampton Village Hall.
The meeting ended at 20:25.