November 2024 Minutes

Held on November 21st 2024 at Frampton Village Hall. 

Present: Cllr Fowler, Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Pryke (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward). Cllr Hildred, Cllr Claire, Cllr Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor) and Cllr Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward).
Absent: Cllr Hladun, Cllr Tennant, Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward) and Cllr Ashton (Chairman).
In attendance: Lana Maclennan-James (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer) and 1 member of the public, Cllr James Cantwell.

Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:

51. Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 – 21.11.2024)
Cllr Hladun, Cllr Tennant, Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward) and Cllr Ashton (Chairman).
52. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Agenda item 2 – 21.11.2024)
53. Approval of minutes for meeting held 17th October 2024 (Agenda item 3 – 21.11.2024)
Council agreed and approved previous minutes to be signed as correct. 
54. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 – 21.11.2024)
•    B/24/0457 – No observations or comments, Cllr Claire read an email from the Borough Council regarding the use of this planning application and the one below. 
•    B/24/0458 - No observations or comments. 
•    B/24/0466 – Cllr Burton questioned if the site is on the border of Kirton or Frampton. Cllr Pryke and Cllr Austin confirmed it is in Kirton. Cllr Burton shared that whilst it is not in our parish and we cannot really have comments, we believe that there will be comments from Kirton parish and that there should be some concerns for nearby residents. 
•    B/24/0472 – No observations or comments. 
•    AM/2113 – Proposed 40MPH speed limit – Frampton Lane – No observations or comments, the council are for this application.

55. To discuss the environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 – 21.11.2024)
a)    Cllr Balgarnie shared an issue on Frampton Road but it was reported and dealt with quickly.
b)    Cllr Pryke shared that he reported a fly tip on Wyberton Low Road near Hall Lane Junction.
c)    Cllr Pryke reported two street lights at Church End.
d)    Cllr Pryke attended a briefing at the borough about emergency planning where he was told it will be an issue mentioned at the next parish liaison meeting but would like parish councils to start thinking about this. Cllr Austin shared that Wyberton has an emergency plan relating to the 2013 flooding they had.
e)    Cllr Pryke shared Lincolnshire Parish County is the furthest behind clearing footpaths and other things and there is a proposal to open a public footpath all around the east coast, including Frampton Marsh. Cllr Austin shared that we are still waiting for Macmillan way to be reopened.
f)    Cllr Hildred commented on B/21/0342 (an old application), on a dwelling (Cherry Tree Lodge on Fen Rd), the comments from Frampton Parish Council are noted on application, these comments are about the size increase being over 40%. This site has now been made a lot larger and five business are being run from this property, there are vans, kennels and lots of noise, even though in the application they stated this would not affect highway safety. However, none of the notices on the application have been enforced. Cllr Burton responded that he has been told that the property has been looked in to and nothing can be done about it, he asked if it would be worthwhile to send another email regarding the validity of businesses being run on the property.  Cllr Middleton offered to ask around and find out anything he can regarding this site. Cllr Pryke also suggested that the Borough and County officers can all look in to this. 
g)    Cllr Austin shared a resident asked how far down Fen Road is planned for the 30mph limit, this will be only down to the cement road. 
h)    Cllr Austin reported that during her drive with the Highways manager, she noted that Frampton Roads are in great condition, however the signed route to the RSPB is typically ignored and go down Middlegate Road. She found one defect on her journey which was a wonky sign that a work order has been raised for. She said that they will keep an eye on this road, however due to the Fens there is not much that can be done about a bumpy road. Cllr Austin shared that anyone who wants to read the highways document can find it with Lincolnshire County Council.
i)    Cllr Austin reported that the hedge adjacent to Lime Tree Farm was found not to be obstructing the highway.
j)    Cllr Austin received an anonymous complaint about the state of the crossroads between Middlegate and London Road, having driven around it, Cllr Austin can only see that the complaint was about fallen leaves. 
k)    Cllr Austin has had a request for a speed check on West End Road, this will get done but there is a long waiting list. She shared that it takes some time for some navigation systems to be updated after speed limit changes. Cllr Burton believes that seven road safety partnership signs have gone up on this road due to a complaint. 
l)    Cllr Burton shared that there has been an issue with anti-social behavior.
m)    Cllr Burton gave thanks to the council and clerk for the excellent village pub night.
56. To discuss resident query regarding relocation/purchase of a speed sign (Agenda item 6 –21.11.2024
The clerk had a phone call from the Kirton Clerk who has been contacted by a resident on West end road. This is a resident many have heard from regarding speeding, zebra crossings and pathways. The main query is when will the speed sign be back on the bracket we have there. The houses on this road are in Kirton but the road itself is in Frampton. The clerk did say to Kirton that an exact date for the return of the sign cannot be given as there is a list of places where it is due first. In regards to purchasing another speed sign the parish council believe we should not be spending precept money on another sign. We have very little jurisdiction when it comes to speeding and the data we receive from our current sign shows that on average speed limits are followed. Clerk to ask Cllr Ashton for the waiting list to share with Councillors. 
57. To discuss the condition of village street lights (Agenda item 7 – 21.11.2024)
Cllr Burton shared that we have 90 street lights, 25 have been replaced to LED as of now. We have three currently not working, these will be replaced next. Cllr Burton will give the clerk the location of these. There are another three that Cllr Burton thinks should be done on Sandown Lane to Clatterdyke corner as they are currently sodium lights. Then there is one sodium on Bannisters Lane and Westend Road. In total this would mean eight being replaced. The Parish Council agreed with this. 

58. Clerks Report & GDPR (Agenda item 8 – 21.11.2024)
The clerk told the council about the Parish council liaison meeting on the 26th Feb and the Frampton village hall usage invoice for £112. The clerk also shared that we have had our mid-year audit and the report will be sent round, any points made have been corrected. 
59. Correspondence received (Agenda item 9 –21.11.2024)
The clerk received a Boston Policing plan since sending out the agenda, which will be sent round. The clerk has also received an email from Richard Tice MP’s office regarding setting up a meeting in Frampton, the council would not like to set a meeting or put anything in our newsletter as we like to keep it non-political.
60. To discuss financial matters/payments (Agenda item – 10 – 21.11.2024)
a) BACs to be approved:



Invoice/Remit No




Clerks Wages





Pub Night Refund





Pub Night Refund




b)    Update on bank account - £57,548.39
61.  Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item – 11 – 21.11.2024)
The next meeting will be held on January 16th 2025 at 19:30 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre. 
The meeting ended at 20:47.