May 2024 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting


Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Tennent, Cllr Fowler, Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Clare, Cllr Hladun, and Cllr David Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward).

Absent: Cllr A Austin (County Councillor), Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward) and Cllr Pryke (Frampton Parish & Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward).

10 Minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:

Cllr Astell (Kirton Parish Council) asked for the details of the boundaries between Kirton and Frampton. Cllr Ashton explained the boundary.

In attendance: Lana Maclennan-James (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer)

112.      To Elect a Chairman and complete a Declaration of Acceptance (Agenda item 1)

Clerk received no nominations prior to meeting, Cllr Ashton offered to continue to be Chairman which the council unanimously agreed.

113.   To elect a Deputy Chairman and complete a Declaration of Acceptance (Agenda    item 2)

The clerk received no nominations prior to meeting, in the meeting Cllr Ashton nominated Cllr Burton and the council unanimously agreed, Cllr Burton happily accepted.

114.   Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 3)

Cllr Rylott and Cllr Austin sent apologies for absence. 

115.   Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Agenda item 4)

Cllr Clare and Cllr Hildred shared that they both have interest in TPO/24/0066.

116.   Approval of minutes for meeting held 18th April 2024 (Agenda item 5)

Minutes of AGM and parish meeting held on the 18th, agreed as true record. A correction to add is Cllr Tennant in attendance is needed.

117.   Planning applications (Agenda item 6)

With the sudden abundance of TPOS, Cllr Middleton (who has currently received 24 as chairman of the planning), shared with the council the reason for the sudden influx. It is due to the Borough Council recently coming in to some money to allow the Council to do update really old TPOs. These TPOs were made in 1952/53 and the trees probably bare no resemblance to these TPOs anymore and so they do not hold their own when it comes to prosecution. Which is why they have been reassessed and re-descripted to have a more up to date TPO for these trees. 

Cllr Ashton asked - Would a TPO stop development and building? 

Cllr Middleton responded - No but it would be taken in to account.

Cllr Clare shared that the tree on TPO/24/0066 is right on the drain and the drainage company said it was nothing to do with them. Cllr Middleton said that they need a 9m access to the drain, but they can work around it like they have for years previous. 

The council had a small discussion regarding positions of trees and what would/wouldn’t cause issues, for example if the drainage company needed to do something about a TPO’d tree they would need to apply to the Borough Council. 

Frampton Parish Council is all in favour of TPO’s on good/ well doing trees. 

a.   TPO/24/0014  
b.   TPO/24/0015
c.   TPO/24/0016
d.   TPO/24/0021
e.   TPO/24/0022
f.   TPO/24/0023
g.   TPO/24/0024
h.   TPO/24/0025
i.   TPO/24/0066

The Council agreed that we are in favour of all TPOs on offer except for TPO/24/0066. Cllr Burton shared that in approx. 1999, the Borough Council gave permission for a tree in this same garden (TPO/24/0066) to be cut down. Which leaves Cllr Burton wondering if this new tree is the regrowth of this previously approved cut down tree, and if so should it be cut down too? The council will ask to meet Officer Udy to discuss this TPO, in order to better understand why the tree needs a TPO.

Frampton Parish Council are all in agreement. 

j.   B/23/0335 – With a Kirton parish council member in attendence (Cllr Astell) and request being in Kirton. Cllr Ashton asked Cllr Astell to confirm Kirton Parish Council had no objections to this. Council agreed no objections.

118.   To discuss the environment of the Parish (Agenda item 7)

a. Cllr Clare shared that after her previous correspondence about the vandalism on Thornimans Lane, two nights after the first attack, the home was vandalised again. This time damaging the building even more. Electrics cut, walls and bathroom smashed, egg box destroyed and more extensive damage too. The police are involved but offenders have not yet been found. Cllr Ashton asked if there is anything we can do, Cllr Clare answered that there isn’t much we can do.

b. Cllr Clare shared that the Millfield Lane East, Middlegate Road West, A16 junctions are starting to get over grown. Clerk to refer this to Cllr Austin.

c. Cllr Clare shared that the Borough Council have done some pothole filling on Lenton Way.

d. Cllr Hildred shared that on Station Road, at the A52 end, it is hard to see while pulling out due to hedges. The right-hand side may be the land owners. Clerk to refer this to Cllr Austin.

e. Cllr Tennent shared that speeding vehicles appear to be on the rise, they are constantly up and down from Kirton round-about, down Middlegate East and past Church End and they often circle round or head to the Marsh to meet a group involved in drug use. Cllr Burton and Cllr Balgarnie confirmed they are aware of this too. Clerk to report to 101 the speeding and drug use activities in the car park of the RSPB reserve. Cllr Tennent continued to say that the Police used to drive round this area regularly. Cllr Astell followed with the fact that a night this week, he spotted 5 police cars on this area of the road at approx. 19:30pm. 

f.  Cllr Fowler shared that a member of the public should be in contact soon regarding cutting back the hedge at Frampton Hall. The Council will write to the hall to do this. 

g. Cllr Hladun reported that Frampton bank has been pothole filled but Moulton Ings Road is still awaiting potholes to be filled after being circled to be done but the circling paint has gone away. Clerk to refer this to Cllr Austin. 

h. Cllr Hladun shared that Hubberts Bridge Community Centre has had its curtains mended and rehung, the kitchen is complete and everything is quite nice. They will hold their AGM on Monday night. 

i. Cllr Ashton has contacted the owner of the culvert at Mill Hill as per drainage issues mentioned at the last meeting (Clatterdyke lane and Middlegate West) No one is entirely sure who is responsible so we are awaiting this confirmation. Cllr Astell from Kirton Parish has confirmed Clatterdyke has been done.

j. Cllr Ashton has had no response from parking correspondence from the last meeting (Agenda item 9 – 18/04/2024). He replied to the complaint after the last meeting. 

119.   To receive and discuss the update on the Milestone (Agenda item 8)

Cllr Ashton gave a brief description of what the Borough Council have asked us to do, Frampton Council agreed that we do what the Borough Council suggest.

120.   To receive updates from the Clerk (Agenda item 9)

There is a Parish Liaison Meeting on Thursday 10th of October 2024 at 19:00pm if anyone would like to attend, please let me know. I have completed the 2023-2024 VAT return and received £3230.56. I am awaiting some declarations of interest and so I have printed them off, please can these be filled before you leave. There are 1.5 hours left on our website maintenance, with the AGAR, audit and getting everything up to date on there, we may need more time. We can purchase 3 hours at £54 + VAT or 5 at £90 + VAT. Also, our email host Cloudnext is due for renewal, totalling at £59.98 for the year.  I have completed an asset inspection and a few things need a bit of TLC. The 2 notice boards and memorial seat are in need of a sand down and repaint. The speed monitor needs charging. After this meeting, I will finalise getting things up to date in preparation for the audit at the end of May and will bring the AGAR to be signed at the next meeting. I will be sorting out the newsletter in the coming days for delivery in the first week of June. 

Cllr Ashton recommends the group to go to the Parish Liaison meeting as it is very informative. The council unanimously agreed to purchase 5 hrs of website maintenance. Cllr Clare offered to do the work on the memorial bench and the clerk will look for quotes for the noticeboards. The council agreed to the speed monitor being moved down to Church End as it has appeared to have had no effect in its current placement. Cllr Ashton shared that he would like to include Hubberts Bridge a bit more in the newsletter. Train times and destinations to be put in the next addition after this one. 

Approval of policies & Procedures:

a.   Complaints Procedure – Address to be updated
b.   Equal Opportunities - 
c.   Fair Processing & Privacy – 
d.   Financial Regulations – 
e.   GDPR Policy –
f.   Grants & Donations Policy –
g.   Health & Safety – 
h.   Records Retention Policy –
i.   Risk Management – 
j.   Standing Order – 
k.   Transparency Code – 

All policies were agreed and approved by the Council. 

121.   To approve insurance provider & amount (Agenda item 10)

The clerk shared the cost for the renewal including the newly installed defibrillators and the Council agreed and approved to go ahead.  The renewal price is £462.84 and held with Zurich. 

122.   Correspondence received (Agenda item 11)

The council received a response from Allison homes, however feel that they have not really answered the question. The next time its wet weather, the Council will check the situation themselves. Cllr Middleton shared that he has been chasing Anglian Water regarding a sewage problem on Middlegate Road and has been told an engineer will be down there to have a look at it, Cllr Middleton will ask him about the water leak issue also. Clerk to send Cllr Middleton the photos we received from Joan Deane of the leak. 

The council also received correspondence regarding Thornimans Lane (The elms). Cllr Ashton said that this has been addressed a little already this evening and so to understand ourselves why this tree has been TPO’d we will speak to Officer Udy. The Council will respond to let the member of the public know our plans going ahead. 

123.   Financial matters (Agenda item 12)

a)   Update on bank account

Bank balance at £50,774.95

b)   BACs to be approved – 16/05/2024







BB Council



+ £12,440.05


Clerk Wages



- £288.55


Cllr Burton Gift Refund



- £40.00


HMRC Tax Refund 23-24



+ £3230.56





+ £15,342.06

Bank account balance tonight:




Cllr Ashton shared that wages will be approved at the start of every month by himself and Cllr Burton and reported at the meeting later in the month. The Council agreed to this.

124.   Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 13)

The next meeting will be held at Frampton Church Village Hall, Thursday the 20th of June 2023 at 19:30hrs.

Cllr Hildred and Cllr Middleton gave their apologies for next meeting. 

The meeting ended at 20:45 hrs.