April 2024 Minutes
Held on 18th April 2024 at Frampton Church Village Hall
Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pryke (Frampton Parish & Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Clare, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Fowler, Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Hladun and Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward)
Absent: Cllr A Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor) and Cllr David Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward)
In attendance: Lana Maclennan-James (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer)
Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
Member of the Public - Chris Astell - Kirton Parish Councillor: Could you investigate or explain why the drain under the Clatterdyke Road is always blocked? And one that goes under the Middlegate west also?
Answer Cllr Ashton: They aren’t maintained by the local drainage board, they need to be maintained by the people who own the land by Middlegate west on the left, we will find out who owns it. Dennis’s own the land by the bus shelter so we will approach them and ask if they can clean the drain out. We will approach the new owner of the land at Clatterdyke and ask him.
112. Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 – 18.04.24)
Apologies from Cllr Austin.
113. Declarations of interest (Agenda item 2 - 18.04.24)
Planning application: Cllr Clare knows the applicant.
Planning: Cllr Rylott sits on the committee
114. Approval of minutes for meeting held 21st March 2024 (Agenda item 3 - 18.04.24)
Approved as true record, one Cllrs name to be added to attendees.
115. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 - 18.04.24)
a) B/24/0160 – In Kirton, no comments or observations
b) Thornmans Lane – Large tree on edge of the property that has been requested to be put chopped down as BT want to put new lines in near the memorial. We do not have the application number. We encourage anyone who wants to keep the war memorial tidy.
116. Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 - 18.04.24)
a) Cllr Burton attended the parish liaison meeting, there is a new neighbourhood policing officer and there is an incentive “love your neighbour” to encourage tidier gardens.
b) Cllr Rylott can’t take the motion for the pylon plan to the next full council so there will now be a joint scrutiny on this matter with the hopes to invite parish councillors.
c) Cllr Hladun chased the issue of the pothole at top of Watermans Lane on fix my street. He will forward details to the clerk.
d) Cllr Pryke reported a large badger on the road and thinks fly tipping team don’t take away animals and instead wait for a contractor.
e) Cllr Pryke reported additional fly tipping in his area and two trees came down in the last couple of days that blocked the carriage way and they were cleared very promptly.
f) Cllr Pryke shared that the Borough Council had a notification from National Grid about the pylon plan and will circulate it to group.
g) Cllr Pryke shared that the outer dowsing application has been accepted.
h) Cllr Pryke spoke on the initiative “love your neighbour” having had very little uptake and the fact that they are expecting people to enter in a competition in June but he feels this is too late and may have to be moved to next year, he will take this to the borough.
I) The clerk shared that Frampton Fen Road is being changed to a 40MPH limit as long as there are no comments against it.
117. New Clerk Appointment Vote (Agenda item 6 - 18.04.24)
Vote held to appoint new clerk, Cllr Pryke abstained. The vote was unanimous and approved.
118. Framfest Toilet Request (Agenda item 7 - 18.04.24)
The council agreed to do the same support as previous years.
119. Clerks report & GDPR (Agenda item 8 - 18.04.24)
- Thank you for appointing me to this role
- Newsletter to be handed over to Clerk.
- Email from NG Eastern link, invite to online chat. No Cllrs wished to join this.
- Spoke on clerk training with Max and LALC.
- VAT return to be done in the near future.
120. Correspondence (Agenda item 9 - 18.04.24)
a) Joanne Dean email – Water pudding from housing development site:
Parish response - We will write to the developer with the photographs and ask why it is happening.
b) Debra Godliman email – Inability to park on the residential road:
Parish response – It has always been tight there, not very much can be done. Cllr Ashton will politely email her the points made during the meeting as to why very little can be done to help this situation as the parish is in agreement that they can’t solve it. However, he will email LCC Highways in regards to changing front gardens to driveways for extra parking.
c) Email from LALC regarding the 80th anniversary celebrations of D Day –
Parish - Beacon to be lit at 09:15am so council to meet at 08:50 will be put in the magazine and on boards.
d) Cllr Ashton shared that the email from Darren Dutton as per last meeting correspondence has been responded too but nothing back yet.
110. Financial Matters (Agenda item - 13 18.04.24)
a) BACs to be approved:
Max Barlow’s final wage - £380
Lana Maclennan-James’ wage - £288
Council all in agreement and BACs approved.
No monies have come in or out from the last meeting to now.
b) Update on bank account - £35,812.90
111. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item - 14 18.04.24)
The next meeting will be held on May 16th at 19:30 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre.
The meeting ended at 21:25