January 2025 Minutes
Held on January 16th 2025 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre.
Present: Cllr Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hladun, Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Claire, Cllr Tennant and Cllr Middleton (Lincolnshire County Councillor).
Absent: Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Pryke (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor) and Cllr Hildred.
In attendance: Lana Maclennan-James (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer) and 3 members of the public, Cllr Anthony Bowen, Cllr Chris Astell (Kirton Parish) and Cllr James Cantwell (Five Villages – Boston Borough Council).
Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
Cllr Ashton introduced the members to the room.
Cllr Cantwell shared about how many parishes are joining the new village emergency group, which is a joint village effort to support emergencies such as flood resilience and training volunteers.
62. Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 – 16.01.2025)
Cllr Rylott and Cllr Hildred.
63. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 (Agenda item 2 – 16.01.2025)
64. Approval of minutes for meeting held 21st November 2024 (Agenda item 3 – 16.01.2025)
Council agreed and approved previous minutes to be signed as correct.
65. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 – 16.01.2025)
I. B/24/0524 – Conversion of farm buildings in to residential buildings.
Cllr Hladun shared that the property is on Fen Road and gave a description of how the building is currently. He shared that the current farm buildings are unsuitable for modern day farming and they are becoming an eyesore. Class two development as is requested, is quite common in the area. He believes it would tidy up the area if it is done correctly but is slightly concerned about the number of properties.
Cllr Burton is concerned as the buildings are all different heights and tend to be built with asbestos, which will be disturbed during the work. Cllr Middleton suggested that we share our concern on the site’s final appearance but no objection, the council agreed for the Clerk to reply with this comment (assured appearance to be in keeping with the villages).
66. To discuss the environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 – 16.01.2025)
a) Cllr Burton reminded the council about the overhanging tree on the highway on West End Road, this has been trimmed back in the New Year by the resident.
b) Cllr Burton mentioned a fallen tree opposite the parks, it was cleared quickly by the owner.
c) Cllr Burton shared that Black Sluice have collected one tree from the dyke but could not collect two further dead trees or two that have started growing in the bank.
d) Cllr Burton informed flyswat about rubbish in Clatterdyke, they have since been collected.
e) Cllr Burton shared number 6 on West End Road (light) needs to be reported as no longer working.
f) Cllr Burton shared that the two signs on the Bannister Lane Crossroads are damaged, this has already been reported.
g) Cllr Hladun has seen a couple of bags of rubbish near his home, he will report it tomorrow if not yet collected.
h) Cllr Hladun shared that the Boston/Grantham Slip sign has slid down and he will report it on FixMyStreet.
i) Cllr Hladun shared that Hubberts Bridge have had a very successful Car Boot in November, earning £234.00 for the Community Centre. There will be another one on the 23rd of February. There were also several functions in December such as weddings and other celebrations. January bookings are going well and summer is looking good too.
j) Cllr Claire shared that Anglian Water are aware of a burst water pipe.
k) Cllr Claire shared that a lamp post on Middlegate Road (Leighton Avenue) is broken, however that is a Borough Lamp Post. It will be reported on FixMyStreet.
l) Cllr Balgarnie shared that there has been some dumping but they have all been reported to Fly Tipping.
m) Cllr Balgarnie also shared that there have been a couple of road closures near here but have not been advertised.
n) Cllr Balgarnie said that muddy roads have continuously been cleared, showing a good effort.
o) Cllr Middleton shared that Anglian Water is aware of the flooding on Middlegate Road and it is believed to be because the drainage system needs some work done. The Clerk also had a complaint from a resident regarding this over Christmas and has been in touch with Allison Homes and Anglian Water.
p) Cllr Ashton informed the Council that the craft fayre and Christmas tree festivals were a big success and this year he would like to have a go at a live nativity.
q) Cllr Ashton also spoke about the dog kennels that we had an application for a while ago, he believes they are being built for the residents’ dogs rather than breeding dogs.
67. To discuss the 2025/2026 Precept (Agenda item 6 –16.01.2025)
Cllr Ashton shared that last year we increased the precept due to the parish magazine; he doesn’t believe we have anything in the pipeline financially this year, he suggests we submit a NIL return this year to be relooked at next year. The Council agreed.
68. To discuss the Kirton Library Proposal/Update from Cllr Balgarnie (Agenda item 7 – 16.01.2025)
Cllr Balgarnie gave some information as a user and volunteer for the library. It is open three times a week for 2-hour slots and there are around 10 regular volunteers. There is a struggle trying to sort a new permanent location, but this is going on in the background, ideally it will be in the old police station in Kirton. Literature will be sent out soon to look for businesses and others to financially support the relocation. Chris Astell shared that some members of Kirton Parish Council have looked at the location, they do agree it would work but it needs a few minor changes.
69. To discuss the details and work plan for the next quiz night (Agenda item 8 – 16.01.2025)
Cllr Ashton shared that as it is a bigger venue it will take a bit more prep. It is booked for the 22nd of March and the Clerk is ok to pay the invoice. We will need some hands-on deck and we will need more teams than last time. Clerk to make some posters and flyers. We will discuss more at the next meeting.
70. To discuss the milestone removal and re-instatement, work party (Agenda item 9 – 16.01.2025)
Cllr Ashton asked the council for any volunteers to move the milestone.
71. To discuss Cherry Tree Lodge following the reply from Boston Council (Agenda item 10 – 16.01.2025)
The council have all seen the response email, Cllr Ashton asked if the parish want to take it any further. The Council feel like everything that can be done has been.
72. Clerks Report & GDPR (Agenda item 11 – 16.01.2025)
LALCs annual subscription is due before April 1st, it is £391.32.
Hubberts Bridge invoice for the pub quiz is £180.
Cllr Burton informed the Clerk that the email addresses need to be checked on the Newsletter. Clerk to also check which village hall electricity invoices we have. Clerk can pay the Hubberts Bridge Invoice.
73. Correspondence received (Agenda item 12 – 16.01.2025)
LCC Budget & Council Tax Email – No Comments
Animal Welfare Licensing policy – No Comments
We received an email yesterday asking for councillors to fill a survey regarding the national highways and transport, I will send this around after the meeting.
74. To discuss financial matters/payments (Agenda item – 13 – 16.01.2025)
a) BACs to be approved:
Date |
Description |
Invoice/Remit No |
Amount |
18/11/24 |
Newsletter printing |
- |
139.88 |
- |
22/11/24 |
Clerk Nov Wages |
- |
411.54 |
- |
05/12/24 |
FVCH Hall Hire |
- |
112.00 |
- |
05/12/24 |
Mid Year Audit |
241118FPC |
60.00 |
- |
13/12/24 |
John Cooper |
- |
1680.00 |
- |
16/12/24 |
Clerk Dec Wages |
- |
339.73 |
- |
18/12/24 |
Newsletter Delivery |
- |
250.00 |
- |
b) Update on bank account - £54,695.12
75. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item – 14 – 16.01.2025)
The next meeting will be held on February 20th 2025 at 19:30 at Frampton Village Hall.
Cllr Claire gave her apologies for the next meeting.
The meeting ended at 20:30.
Cllr Tennant and Cllr Burton gave their apologies for the march meeting and quiz night.