November 2023 Minutes


Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pryke (Frampton Parish & Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Clare, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Hladun, Cllr Balgarnie

Absent: Cllr Tennent, Claire Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward)

In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer), David Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Allison Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor), representative from Kirton Parish Council.

-   Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:

A discussion was had with the village hall on their financial situation, and if they could do with any support.

56.   Declarations for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 16.11.23)

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Tennent.

57.   Declarations of interest (Agenda item 2 16.11.23)

No declarations of interest.

58.   Approval of minutes for meeting held 19th October 2023 (Agenda item 3 16.11.23)

Cllr Pryke asked whether item 59 on the minutes could instead say “Cllr Pryke raised another matter.” It was voted by a majority that the minutes should stay as they are. The council resolved to sign off the minutes as a true and correct record.

59.   Planning applications (Agenda item 4 16.11.23)

None received.

60.   Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 16.11.23)

a)   Cllr Hildred had reported bad pot holes down Fen Road. He has reported to fix my street but no action yet.

b)   Cllr Clare has had reports of human excrement down Hall lane at the gate at the back of the hall.

c)   Cllr Burton reported that the Borough were to fix 6 Street Lights.

d)   Cllr Burton had been to an Outer Dowsing meeting earlier in the month, and spoken to a lady who can potentially help with funding for Parishes. Says she will hopefully be in contact.

e)   Cllr Balgarnie positively spoke on the Craft Fair, mentioning around 400 people attended, and they raised over £2400 both from catering & crafts.

f)   Cllr Middleton mentioned he had spoken to Allison homes on behalf of worries from people backing onto development. Apparently the new houses on the boundary will only be bungalows and be 13m away from new fence so no worries.

g)   Cllr Hladun gave the news that HBCC has had the new kitchen and security all fitted.

h)   Cllr Austin joined to mention disappointing flooding down Lenton Way after it has recently been fixed, as well as concerns of flooding in Middlegate Road with sewage floating around with recent heavy rain.

i)   Cllr Austin spoke her view on the Wyberton Gates situation, but discussions turned difficult and aggressive, and she was asked to leave to alleviate the situation.

j)   Cllr Pryke mentioned the polling district review running till the end of December.

k)   Cllr Pryke asked why he had not seen the Agenda put up on the Sunday before the meeting as it has to be done, in which he was told by the Clerk it was done on the Sunday evening.

l)   Cllr Pryke brought up a residents query on play areas on the new estate down Middlegate Road, Cllr Middleton is apparently going through planning on play areas but all is currently in proportions of the existing plans.

m)   Cllr Pryke shared brochure on Outer Dowsing from meeting he had attended.

n)   Cllr Pryke mentioned he had looked at, and supplied the Parish boundary maps and can confirm that the Parish boundary’s are where we knew they were and that the Wyberton gates are in the wrong place. Borough Council explained the maps are from the same Geosystem that LCC use.

o)   Cllr Ashton mentioned that the Milestone relocation application was with him and ready to go.

p)   Cllr Ashton said he had a meeting next Wednesday with a highways officer and Wyberton Parish Chair to sort the gates situation out.

q)   Cllr Ashton shared his gratitude on the wreath laying for Remembrance having received many compliments and thanked Cllr Clare for getting sorted.

r)   Cllr Ashton had replied to an email from Old Leake Parish after they say they are to withhold funding for Streetlights in regards to BBC, and stated to them that we do not support that.

61.   Newsletter Distribution (Agenda item 6 16.11.23)

It was agreed for the first month due to time constraints Cllr Ashton would use someone he knows to distribute the newsletter, though in the future it would be preferable if they were delivered in hand written envelopes.

62.   Clerks report & GDPR  (Agenda item 7 16.11.23)

AGAR nearly sorted, internal audit to be organised and hopefully be ready to sign off in the January meeting.

Received Street light quote as follows:

November 2023 minutes tbl1

Usually £350.00 each + VAT. It was resolved to accept quote and replace lights.

63.   Correspondence (Agenda item 8 16.11.23)

Nothing to mention

64.   Financial Matters (Agenda item 9 16.11.23)


November 2023 minutes tbl2

65.   Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 10 16.11.23)

January 18th 2024, 7:30, Frampton Village Hall

The meeting ended at 21:00hrs.