September 2023 Minutes


Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pryke, Cllr Tennent, Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Hladun, Cllr Balgarnie

Absent: Cllr Clare, Claire Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward)

In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer), David Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward)

-   Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:

42.   Declarations for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 21.09.23)

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Clare, and Borough Councillor Claire Rylott.

43.   Declarations of interest (Agenda item 2 21.09.23)

No declarations of interest.

44.   Approval of minutes for meeting held 20th July 2023 (Agenda item 3 21.09.23)

The council resolved to sign off the minutes as a true and correct record.

45.   Planning applications (Agenda item 4 21.09.23)

None received.

46.   Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 21.09.23)

a)   Cllr David Middleton mentioned that the council should receive an email from the Borough Council about a meeting to discuss matters in the Parish.

b)   Cllr Balgarnie mentioned the path in Kirton to Horseshoe Lane has been sorted. However, the path in front of village hall still needs sorting.

c)   Cllr Hildred reported the footpath on the corner of Fen Road to the hammer and Pincers as being badly cracked and very narrow in places. He reported to fix my street, but they came back and said that it is fine.

d)   Cllr Burton updated the council that the Street Lamp outside the Village Hall is being fixed in the next 2 weeks at a cost to the council of £350.00.

e)   Cllr Burton spoke about the flooding on the Playing Field getting sorted. The pipe had been disconnected but is being put right. The Frampton Charities are to send out a letter to all people in Lenton Way not to access the playing field and not to dump things in the Dyke as it is causing problems. LCC did the work.

f)   Cllr Burton delivered one of the Defibrillators and External Enclosure to St Michaels Church. He still has the other as he waits for the village hall to respond.

g)   Cllr Hladun questioned whether the new sign outside the Four Crossroads Pub needs planning permission.

h)   Cllr Hladun spoke briefly on the new additions to Hubbers Bridge Community Centre. A new noticeboard has been installed outside, a new kitchen is set for fitting in mid October and the CCTV is in place. Only issue is they are having problem removing the Recycling bins outside as no one seems to be taking responsibility, though it shows a Boston Borough Council email on the bin itself. Councillor Middleton to look into.

i)   Cllr Pryke asked about possibilities of a path on Framptons side of Hubberts Bridge down Hubberts Bridge Road towards the A52. Apparently Kirton have previously applied for a path down their side, and as it would be shorter, they are more likely to get permission, so it was decided it wasn’t worth the effort.

47.   Email System (Agenda item 6 21.09.23)

The Clerk shared that the new email system was up and running, and that they would be sending out emails and passwords in due course. All new emails will now follow with

48.   Newsletter (Agenda item 7 21.09.23)

The template was distributed and discussed between the Councillors. It was mentioned that we could also include a section mentioning the telephone number 101 – for reporting local incidents and quickly getting in touch with a police officer on the other end. A final draft is to be sorted for the next meeting by the Clerk.

49.   Milestone (Agenda item 8 21.09.23)

After discussion withing the Council and advice from Borough Councillor David Middleton, it was agreed by everyone that the Clerk would put together a planning permission application for it to stay in it’s new location, and for a plaque to be put up in it’s original location with it’s history, and stating why it has been moved for safety purposes.

50.   Wyberton Gates (Agenda item 9 21.09.23)

The council spoke of the gates Wyberton had put on Frampton Parish soil. The gates on the A52 are in Frampton and make us lose 23 properties, and the gates down Old London Road are in Frampton and make us lose 9 Properties. Frampton Parish were never approached by Wyberton on the matter before they went up. To not start arguments, the chair wrote to Wyberton Parish Council asking if they would add “AND FRAMPTON” to the gates to put it correct without having them moved, but Wyberton weren’t happy with this solution. Wyberton came back to the chair and suggested either adding a sign saying such as “IN 75 YARDS” to the gates, or secondly putting “FRAMPTON” on the back of the signs. Both options received no support. The Chairman then said that he received a message from the Chairman of Wyberton Parish Council recommending that we should check our Parish boundaries as the gates are actually in the correct place. The council disagreed. The Chair proposed and was seconded by Cllr Burton that we would reject both of their proposals and instead request that they be moved into the correct place.

51.   Old Leake Lighting Email (Agenda item 10 21.09.23)

The council discussed an email received from Old Leake about our opinions on writing to the Borough about helping with costs with replacing street lights to LED’s instead of putting all the costs on the Parish Councils. It was mentioned that we as a council inherited 77 street lights to maintain in 2015-16 as many parishes did, but we prepared for increased costs by almost doubling the precept to fight this, and therefor are not in a situation where we are struggling to fund their maintenance. It was voted that the Clerk would write a reply to Old Leake stating that while we sympathise and would support Old Leake in their endeavour of trying to seek money from the Borough Council, we as a council did prepare for increasing costs and are comfortable, and that if they had done the same they wouldn’t be in this position.

52.   Clerks Report & GDPR (Agenda item 11 21.09.23)

-   New email system is sorted
-   Access to the bank is now all sorted so payments can be made
-   Still in talks with Borough Council over website Access

53.   Correspondence (Agenda item 12 21.09.23)

Old Leake email – Discussed as part of Agenda item 10

54.   Financial Matters (Agenda item 13 21.09.23)


September 2023 minutes tbl1

55.   Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 14 21.09.23)

19th October 2023, 19:30 at Frampton Village Hall.

The meeting ended at 21:02hrs.