April 2023 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Deane, Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Clare, Cllr Hladun.
In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer) & Several members of the public.
1. Apologies for Absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 20.04.23)
Apologies were received & accepted from Cllr’s Burton & Royce.
2. Declarations of Interest: (Agenda item 2 16.03.23)
3. Approval of the minutes for meeting held 16th February 2023 (Agenda item 3 20.04.23)
The council resolved to adopt the minutes of 16th March 2023 as a true record.
4. Planning Applications (Agenda item 4 20.04.23)
a) B/23/0079 – No comments or observations
b) B/23/0116 – No comments or observations
5. Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 20.04.23)
a) Cllr Clare mentioned how quick Fly-Swat had been at dealing with fly tipping. Can email about fly-tipping on the Saturday and will be gone by the Wednesday after.
b) Cllr Clare mentioned how she had received a quote back about getting a new fence at war memorial. All Cllr’s liked the fence design, but all felt a gate wasn’t necessary, so all agreed for her to go back and get a new quote without a gate.
c) A resident complained about speeding motorists going past down some lanes.
d) Cllr Balgarnie also mentioned effectiveness of Fly-Swat.
e) Cllr Deane brought up her dismay with the quality of how the paths have been left after Opals have been doing work digging them up for cables and re-laying. She mentioned that she had reported to Fix My Street and been in contact with someone from South Lincs DC, who understood her concerns but said there was nothing he could do. Correspondence for these emails has been shared with the Clerk, and more action may be taken.
f) A resident mentioned that Fram-Fest is being organised for 17th June, and all proceeds raised are going towards St Mary’s, and encourages members of Frampton to get involved as it has been a great event previously.
g) Cllr Hladun mentioned that Fen Road had been shut, and also that while the parking of the cars at Field View had, since the incident a month ago, improved, now they were seemingly going back to how they were.
h) Cllr Burton sent in the following for mention in the meeting:
“Streetlight 29, outside Church Village hall not working (27/04/23) - I reported on B.B.C. version of Fix my Street and the concern is in hand.
Dead Badger cub under hedge on road side opposite “The Parks” on Middlegate Rd. East.
I reported to B.B.C. relevant department – It was removed within 48hrs.
I assisted as scorer in Quiz night at Church Village hall on 31/04/23 – A successful evening raised £180 for hall funds.”
6. Village Hall Defibrillator (Agenda item 6 20.04.23)
Cllr Balgarnie proposed for Frampton Parish to support the purchase of a Defibrillator for the village hall by maintaining the battery and the cost of swapping out the pads when necessary. This was seconded by Cllr Ashton. The Council voted unanimously.
7. Clerk’s Contract of Employment (Agenda item 7 20.04.23)
Cllr Ashton proposed the initiation of new Clerk Max’s contract, in which all Cllr’s agreed unanimously.
8. GDPR – Update on privacy (Agenda item 8 20.04.23)
9. Clerk’s Report (Agenda item 9 20.04.23)
a) Clerk has received laptop and login from previous Clerk, will begin using Frampton Parish email from meeting onwards.
b) Ad was posted on facebook advertising we had vacancies for councillors and happy to have people reply to post, hoping to have a full council from May onwards.
c) Still waiting on a response from Boston Borough on question regarding Business rates for Marsh Farm Cottage, will follow up.
d) LALC new clerk training completed, and was found very useful for learning purposes and for meeting other Clerks in similar positions.
e) Mentioned that would soon have a meeting with the previous Clerk, to help finalise hand over and also teach how to manage finances, audit and end of year.
10. Correspondence (Agenda item 10 20.04.23)
Nothing to note
a) Update on bank account
Current Bank balance: £55,750.39
b) BACS to be approved
20/04/2023 – Max Barlow Clerk Wages - £601.77
20/04/2023 – Michelle Cound Wages Feb/April - £194.88
20/04/2023 – Frampton Church Hall - £300.00
20/04/2023 – LALC Training (Max) - £120.00 + £24.00 (VAT) = £144.00
20/04/2023 – HMRC (MB March 23) - £61.20
Total = £1251.85 (Incl. VAT)
All Cllr’s agreed unanimously to sign off.
11. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 11 20.04.23)
The next meeting is the Annual General Meeting. It will be on Thursday 18th of May, 19:30hrs, at Frampton Village Hall.