February 2024 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pryke (Frampton Parish & Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Fowler, Cllr Tennent, Cllr Balgarnie
Absent: Cllr Hildred, Cllr Hladun, Cllr Clare, Cllr Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Cllr Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Allison Austin (Lincolnshire County Councillor).
In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer)
- Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
84. Declarations for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 15.02.24)
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Hildred, Cllr Hladun, Cllr Clare, Cllr Rylott, Cllr Middleton & Cllr Austin.
85. Declarations of interest (Agenda item 2 15.02.24)
No declarations of interest.
86. Approval of minutes for meeting held 16th November 2023 (Agenda item 3 15.02.24)
The minutes were signed and approved as a true and correct record.
87. Approval of minutes for meeting held 18th January 2024 (Agenda item 4 15.02.24)
The minutes were signed and approved as a true and correct record.
88. Approval of minutes for meeting held 16th November 2023 (Agenda item 5 15.02.24)
The minutes were signed and approved as a true and correct record.
89. Planning applications (Agenda item 6 15.02.24)
a) B/24/0057 – The planning application is in Kirton, not Frampton, so no observations or objections.
90. Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 7 15.02.24)
a) Cllr Pryke mentioned he had reported the Speed Signs that are down on Middlegate Road as many others had to Fix My Street, however no action at the time of the meeting.
b) Cllr Pryke also reported some fly tipping down Middlegate Road over 2 weeks before the meeting, but still not collected. However there was fly tipping down Frampton Roads that has now been cleaned up.
c) Cllr Pryke spoke on his attendance of the Parish Liasion meeting. Apparently lots of funding opportunities for many different groups that they may not know about, and should research for themselves as they may be surprised with the amount of help available.
d) Cllr Burton reiterated the speed signs being down previously mentioned by Cllr Pryke, and said he had reported them also.
e) Cllr Burton spoke on the success of the recent pancake evening at St Michaels. Finished with 73 people in attendance, and raised £563 after expenses for St Michaels.
f) Cllr Fowler reported that she had seen a black transit van dump 4 large bags of food waste down Sandholme Lane. Reported to the police but no action, and reported to Fly Swat but no action at the time of the meeting.
g) Cllr Ashton reiterated Cllr Pryke’s earlier comments on the Parish Liasion meeting in which he attended, again mentioning the different funding opportunities available, and how all organisations should take a look what is available.
h) Cllr Ashton mentioned that the Frampton Parish website was undergoing renovation and is looking a lot better, and asked for any comments.
i) Cllr Ashton mentioned the Plaques on the Wyberton gates had finally been changed to correctly not display the wrong Parish in them for the ones in Frampton.
91. New Clerk Appointment (Agenda item 8 15.02.24)
Cllr Ashton explained that with the notice handed in by the existing Clerk, an advert was put online for the role. After many applicants, 7 have been chosen for interviews in the coming week, to hopefully appoint before the meeting in March.
92. Newsletter update (Agenda item 9 15.02.24)
Cllr Fowler and Tennent reported that the 2nd edition of the Newsletter was about ready apart from a few small things and dates. Should be ready to go to printers by the following Monday.
93. Milestone application update (Agenda item 10 15.02.24)
Following our application, we have received some comments from the heritage authorities asking for a better case for why we want to relocated the milestone. Cllr Ashton is working to draft up a stronger case using the help of some people with extensive knowledge of local history, which will be sent over soon.
94. Clerks report & GDPR (Agenda item 11 15.02.24)
Mentioned the excellent state of the new Parish website, and asked for some feedback.
Mentioned the AGAR notice period which has now started.
95. Correspondence (Agenda item 12 15.02.24)
96. Financial Matters (Agenda item 13 15.02.24)
97. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 14 15.02.24)
March 21st 2024, 7:30, Frampton Village Hall
The meeting ended at 19:55hrs.