June 2023 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pryke, Cllr Tennent, Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Clare, Cllr Hladun
Absent: Cllr Balgarnie
In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer), 1 resident of Frampton
• Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
The Chairman of Hubberts Bridge Community Centre gave his case ahead of agenda item 6, on why they would like a donation for the extensive renovations going ahead. He mentioned an approximate £11,000 Kitchen fitting & £2700 CCTV system were being implemented, as well as other renovations.
15. Apologies for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 15.06.23)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Balgarnie.
16. Declarations of interest (Agenda item 2 15.06.23)
Cllr Burton declared interest against Agenda item 8 if St Michaels Church appeared.
17. Approval of minutes for meeting held 18th May 2023 (Agenda item 3 15.06.23)
The council resolved to sign off the minutes as a true and correct record.
18. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 15.06.23)
a) B/23/0191 - No comments or observations.
b) B/23/0116 - No comments or observations.
c) B/21/0413 - All councillors objected to the development, due to concerns about increase in traffic causing problems on Middlegate road going onto the A17 as well as feeling that the Parish of Frampton deserve some sort of compensation from the developers to help the community.
d) B/23/0055/CD1 - No comments or observations.
e) B/23/0191 - Copy of agenda item 4)a)
19. Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 15.06.23)
a) Cllr Burton spoke of 3 young lads going around on motorcycles without helmets frequently through Frampton and surrounding villages. Clerk to report to Police.
b) One of our attending Borough Councillors mentioned they had a meeting coming up with the highways officer.
c) Cllr Hladun mentioned there had been people using Jetski’s on the Forty Foot Drain. They had taken the gate off the hinges to access it, and were exceeding the speed limit. A concern for the Environment Agency.
d) Cllr Pryke gave a report on what had been going on at Boston Borough over the past few weeks.
e) Cllr Pryke mentioned he had been looking into speed reduction measures like speed devices and signage. Worth considering for Frampton to help with speeding.
20. Donation to Hubberts Bridge Village Hall (Agenda item 6 15.06.23)
Cllr Ashton proposed to help with the straight purchase of the CCTV system up to £2700, with the condition that the Community Centre grant the Parish Council free use of the hall for 2-3 years for their 4 meetings a year, as a gesture. All councillors in favour. Also worth noting that if we provide aid for Hubberts Bridge Community Centre, both St Michaels Church and Frampton Village Hall could request financial aid up to a similar amount, if they require it.
21. Communication to Parish (Agenda item 7 15.06.23)
The council proposed to create a quarterly flyer/magazine out to entire parish of Frampton, with the aims to get out what the Council do, as well as events and clubs going on in Frampton. An extra-ordinary meeting is to be planned for August to sort out the format and logistics of delivery. The aim is to get one out for Christmas.
22. Ideas on spending of Parish Council Money (Agenda item 8 15.06.23)
A number of ideas were discussed, such as donations to village halls, methods of helping with speeding in Frampton such as speed devices and signage and a seasonal magazine. It was also proposed and all councillors were in favour in funding the purchase of a defibrillator for the Parish, which will be looked into.
23. GDPR – Update on privacy (Clerk) (Agenda item 9 15.06.23)
Nothing to report.
24. Clerks’ Report (Agenda item 10 15.06.23)
Nothing to report
25. Correspondence (Agenda item 11 15.06.23)
Received an email about the Bus Stop on Boston Road needing some cleaning up and repair, and the sender offering to sort it out. Chairman will take a look for a decision.
26. Financial Matters (Agenda item 12 15.06.23)
27. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 13 15.06.23)
The meeting ended at 20:21hrs.