October 2023 Minutes
Present: Cllr Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Pryke, Cllr Tennent, Cllr Clare, Cllr Balgarnie
Absent: Cllr Hildred, Cllr Fowler, Cllr Hladun
In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer), David Middleton (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward), Claire Rylott (Boston Borough Councillor – Kirton & Frampton Ward)
- Pre-meeting - 10-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak:
56. Declarations for absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 19.10.23)
Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Hildred, Fowler and Hladun.
57 Declarations of interest (Agenda item 2 19.10.23)
Boston Borough Councillor Claire Rylott declared an interest in any planning matters that may appear.
58. Approval of minutes for meeting held 21st September 2023 (Agenda item 3 19.10.23)
The council resolved to sign off the minutes as a true and correct record.
59. Planning applications (Agenda item 4 19.10.23)
a) B/23/0339 & B/23/0340 – The council had no objections to the planning applications but would appreciate that Boston Borough planning department would closely monitor the project due to historical overstepping by the applicant. Cllr Pryke passed comment on the application that was deemed by all present to be inappropriate, and correct by the Chair.
60. Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 19.10.23)
a) Cllr Clare - Railings for the war memorial being started on Monday the 23rd of October, and should be finished and tidy in time for Remembrance Day. A bill for the works will follow.
b) BBC Cllr Middleton – After chasing up with the relevant authorities at the Council, the HBCC bottle bank & clothing drop off have been moved to Princess Royal Sports Arena. Others to go by w/c 23rd October.
c) Cllr Pryke – Spoke of a resident bumping into him in Kirton co-op questioning about any lights going up anywhere in Frampton for Christmas. Questions were raised on where a suitable point for a central village display would be, as well as electric for lighting. Proposed we look at something for next year.
d) Cllr Pryke – Told the Council that the traveller site application that was proposed in Frampton has been refused and won’t be going to a planning committee.
e) Cllr Balgarnie – Expressed her happiness with the streetlamp being fixed outside the village hall, but still unhappy with the state of the path. Been reported but hasn’t heard anything.
f) Cllr Burton – Defibrillator has been put up on noticeboard outside Village Hall. Second defibrillator at St Michaels Church is being done next week.
g) BBC Cllr Rylott – Introduced herself to members of the council that may have not met her yet, and apologised for not being able to make the previous meetings.
h) Cllr Ashton – Had reports about streetlamp out end of Millfield Lane West, will examine and report.
i) Cllr Ashton – Holiday let at park cottages has practically developed into full on house, which is against the planning. Likely Alan Watts will enforce.
j) Cllr Ashton – Shared the sad news that a motorcyclist was unfortunately killed on A52 at junction on Fen Road.
61. Newsletter Update (Agenda item 6 19.10.23)
Cllr Ashton brought quote of £183.00 for 500 a5 8 page colour copies. Still last few details to fill in being Clubs, Defibrillator locations and an update on the website. Last draft to be sent out before next meeting, to go on to sort distribution method.
62. Councillor Pryke Email (Agenda item 7 19.10.23)
Discussions were had in reference to an email sent to the Clerk on the 25th of September from Cllr Pryke. Cllr Pryke had time to explain his email stating he would like Frampton to not put political designations of Cllr’s on the minutes. He also explained he had been on holiday so hadn’t had a chance to reply to any emails he had been sent.
Cllr Ashton read out the email that was sent to the Clerk, the email containing various accusations of favouritism towards other Borough Councillors, this favouritism concerning the Clerk, the Chairman, and Borough Cllr Middleton, all of which were false.
Cllr Burton exclaimed his shock and unhappiness with the wording and contents of this email, and that it should have gone to a committee.
Cllr Ashton wished Cllr Pryke had sent an apology beforehand, after numerous emails trying to understand/get hold of Cllr Pryke but zero communication was received prior to the meeting.
Cllr Pryke was asked to apologise and spoke his apologies to all people he offended in his email.
Cllr Burton again voiced his unhappiness with the situation, saying he had not seen anything like this in his 23 years as a Parish Councillor, and that we want to keep Frampton a friendly, non-political Parish. He formally recommended that Cllr Pryke resign, which was seconded by Cllr Ashton. Cllr Pryke refused.
63. Village Pub Evening (Agenda item 8 19.10.23)
Cllr Ashton spoke of his wishes to put a number of village pub evenings together in the new year. The first being at the Village hall, and two others at St Michaels and HBCC. Cllr Balgarnie mentioned that Friends of Frampton are all supportive for such a proposal.
64. Update Wyberton Gates & Milestone (Agenda item 9 19.10.23)
The Clerk has put together an application for the milestone to stay in it’s current position, and to put a plaque in its old position. Waiting for consent from highways before application can proceed.
The Council received an email sent from Wyberton hours before the meeting, in which they mentioned that they aren’t going to be doing anything about the locations of the gates and if we want them moved we will have to make the plans with LCC ourselves. Cllr Ashton is to reply to Wyberton’s email and organise a site visit with LCC to discuss what to do.
65. Clerks Report & GDPR (Agenda item 10 19.10.23)
- Access to website has been granted. Clerk to sort out website when possible. The Clerk asked if some outside help on sorting the website would be allowed from LALC, and all Councillors agreed that would be acceptable.
- Clerk has been in contact with LALC, now receiving e-news.
- New email system is up and running. Asked if any councillors have any issues then to let Clerk know so can get sorted.
66. Correspondence (Agenda item 11 19.10.23)
- Email from Village Hall reiterating they are to attend the November meeting.
- Received an email from BBC about a Parish Liaison meeting, and asked if any Councillors would like to attend.
67. Financial Matters (Agenda item 12 19.10.23)
68. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 13 19.10.23)
16th November 2023, 19:15 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre
The meeting ended at 20:45hrs.