February 2020 Minutes



Present:                     Cllrs Burton (Chairman), Ashton (Deputy Chairman), Deane, Cooper, Balgarnie (Co-opted), Hladun (Co-opted), Cllr N Welton (Boston Borough Council)

In attendance:          Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer), two Members of the Public


The two new owners of Boston West attended to provide an update to the submitted plans for their new venture (see agenda item 6b).  The owners informed the Council that they had commissioned a traffic report which had been submitted to LCC which showed that there would only be a 3% increase in traffic levels at peak times.  Other plans are ongoing.


119. Apologies (agenda item 1)

Cllrs Hildred and Royce had notified the Clerk of their inability to attend and the Council RESOLVED to accept their reasons for absence.  Cllr Austin (Lincolnshire County Council) also sent her apologies.


120. Receipt of any Declarations of Interest (agenda item 2)

Cllr Hladun (once co-opted) declared an interest in agenda item 6b.


121. Approval of minutes for meeting held 16th January 2020 (agenda item 3)

Cllr Welton informed the Clerk that the time of his departure had been omitted from the minutes. This was corrected and initialled by the Chairman. The Council RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of 16/01/20 as a true record.


122. Co-Options (agenda item 4)

Cllr Louise Balgarnie and Cllr Andrew Hladun were co-opted to Frampton Parish Council.  They signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office before the Proper Officer.  The two Councillors also completed and signed the forms relating to the Localism Act 2011 (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) regulations 2012 and the Registration of Local Choice Interests which the Clerk will send to Boston Borough Council.


123. Environment of the Parish (agenda item 5)

a) Cllr Austin (LCC) had informed the Clerk that the Frampton sign on London Road had been replaced.

b) Cllr Cooper reported that the broken cover at Frampton Hall Church End had still not been fixed. The Clerk reported that she had today received an update from Fixmystreet that action was scheduled.

c) Cllr Burton reported that the mirror at the junction of Silvertoft and Five House Lane was missing.  Cllr Burton will speak to the resident whose house this is outside to see if it has been located.

d) Cllr Burton reported that the Give Way sign at the junction of Millfield Lane East had been hit and was lopsided.  The Clerk will notify Highways.

e) Cllr Burton reported that he had received a complaint from a resident in Bannisters Lane regarding speeding.  This is a known problem and will continue to be monitored.

f) Cllr Burton reported that he had received a request from several residents in Millfield Lane West to impose a speeding restriction as the lane which is a long single track road with only three passing places is used as a rat run, especially at peak times. Motorists do not give way if they have passed one of the passing places and damage is being caused to verges and residents driveways.  More worryingly due to the heavy rain over the last year skidding is taking place when motorists meet head on and residents are concerned that an accident will happen.  The Clerk will check with Highways to determine the actual speed limit and then the Council will write to Highways to either request the speed limit is decreased or speed limit signage is displayed.

g) Cllr Welton (Boston Borough Council) informed the Council of the new leader of Boston Borough Council – Cllr Paul Skinner, who would be happy to attend a future Council meeting should the Council desire.  Cllr Welton also informed the Council that any of the Portfolio holders would also be willing to present at a future meeting.

h) Cllr Welton informed the Council that Cabinet approved the draft consultation on the air quality monitoring report.

i) Cllr Welton informed the Council that Boston Borough Council had adopted a joint safeguarding policy encompassing all aspects of safeguarding.

j) Cllr Welton informed the Council that the budget had been set at 2.05% and this would keep reserves intact.

k) Cllr Welton informed the Council to put any ideas for the “Boston Town Deal” on their website.

l) Cllr Welton informed the Council that Boston Borough Council were looking at the effectiveness of the barrier.

m) Cllr Welton informed the Council that Boston Borough Council would request that the new road for the Gasification plant project be made permanent.


Cllr Welton left the meeting at 20.25.


124. Planning Approvals (agenda item 6)

  1. B/19/0520 Hybrid planning application seeking full planning permission for part change of use of golf course for siting of caravans and associated works, Boston West Golf Centre PE20 3SG – Frampton Parish Council would like to support a good application on this site however feel unable to offer comments or observations at this stage because it appears to be more an outline planning application as proposals appear to have changed since original presentation to the Council and a further presentation given at this meeting indicate that other proposals may change again therefore Frampton Parish Council does not feel it is commenting on a specific development.
  2. B/20/0034 Construction of a vehicular access and extension of existing roadside verge at Glenn House, Ralphs Lane PE20 1RQ – no comments or observations.





125. Annual Parish Meeting and updated contacts list (agenda item 7)

The contact list was agreed by all Councillors to be correct for the APM and the Clerk will now send out invitations to everyone on the list.  The APM will remain on the agenda for March.


126. Social Media (agenda item 8)

The Council RESOLVED to open a Twitter account to help promote the Parish Council and target more residents to attend the Annual Parish Meeting. Cllr Ashton will assist the Clerk with the administration.


127. Lighting of the Beacon (agenda item 9)

The Council discussed the lighting of the beacon for the 75th anniversary of VE day on Friday 8th May, 2020 and RESOLVED to ask ex Councillor and Chairman Reams if he would like to participate. The Clerk will find out what is happening nationally then write to Mr Reams.


128. Appointment of Auditor (agenda item 10)

The previous Auditor did not wish to continue for 2019/20 and the Clerk had received two nominations for other Clerks willing to perform the internal audit in line with section 4 of Governance and Accountability for Smaller Authorities 2019 and the Transparency code. The Council RESOLVED to engage the Clerk nearest to the Parish and the Clerk will send a letter of engagement when the appointed Internal Auditor has confirmed.


129. GDPR update (agenda item 11)

The Clerk reported that FPC had not received any complaints or queries regarding privacy since the last meeting. The two co-opted Councillors signed the GDPR Security Compliance checklist.


130. Clerk’s report (agenda item 12)

  1. Reported the damaged sign at Grosvenor Road
  2. Reported light no. 8 out at West End Road – now fixed
  3. Ordered the replacement light for Millfield Lane West – now installed
  4. Reported three tyres, white container and Turnbull sack in Clatterdykes
  5. New Parish web site- training date for Clerk Monday 9th March 2020
  6. New councillor training Pinchbeck Tuesday 15thth September 2020 – 1800 – 2100
  7. VAT refund of £804.23
  8. Annual lighting maintenance invoice from BBC £3714.80 (deducted from precept)


131. Correspondence (agenda item 13)

  1. Community worker – Wrangle
  2. Road closure Frampton Fen 24th – 26th February
  3. Buckingham Palace Garden nomination decision
  4. Parish Newsletter
  5. Road closure Sandholme Lane 9th – 13th March 2020
  6. LCC Vacancy for Independent Custody Officer at Boston Police Station
  7. Lloyds Bank online – additional security


132. Financial matters (agenda item 14)

a) Bank Account – the Clerk reported that the bank account stood at £223683.32 as of today.

b) Annual Direct debit list – there are three direct debits set up on the bank account and the list was signed by two Councillors.

c) BACs to be approved








Clerk salary




(£64.20 tax to be paid April 2020)


Clerk expenses






Boston Borough Council






LALC Booklets






LALC Annual subscription







133. Date, time and venue of the next meeting (agenda item 15)

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 19th March 2020 at 1930 at Church House Village Hall, Frampton