March 2020 Minutes



Present:                     Cllrs Burton (Chairman), Ashton (Deputy Chairman), Royce, Deane, Cooper, Hildred, Balgarnie and Hladun

In attendance:          Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer)



  1. Apologies (agenda item 1)

Cllr N Welton (Boston Borough) and Cllr A Austin (LCC) sent their apologies


  1. Declarations of Interest (agenda item 2)

Cllr Hildred declared an interest in item 5

Cllrs Burton and Hladun declared an interest in item 7

Cllrs Deane and Burton declared an interest in item 11

Cllr Cooper declared an interest in item 13


  1. Approval of minutes for meeting held 20th February, 2020 (agenda item 3) The Council RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of 20/02/20 as a true record.


  1. Environment of the Parish (agenda item 4)

Cllr Burton proposed that the Parish Council help and support vulnerable residents during the COVID-19 crisis.  The Council RESOLVED to support community resilience.  The Clerk will be the main contact.

Cllr Burton reported that the dropped kerbs at Clatterdyke had been done but further dropped kerbs were required at Thornimans Lane to ensure smooth passage down to St Michaels Church.  The Clerk will send this request to Cllr Austin

Cllr Burton reported that the Parish had received a request from an individual for a donation to assist with university costs.  As per the Grants and Donations policy a

donation can only be requested through a Councillor and Frampton Parish have never resolved to provide financial support for an individual.  The Parish Council therefore RESOLVED to turn down the request but two local charities would be suggested to the individual.

Cllr Burton reported that Frampton Parish Council had been asked for a donation from LIVES.  As per the Grants and Donations Policy Frampton Parish only support requests from businesses/charities within the village. The Council RESOLVED to turn down the request.

Cllr Cooper informed the Council that the annual Framfest was cancelled due to the COVID-19 crisis. The Clerk had received a request from the event organiser for provision of portaloos and she will write confirming that these would not now be provided but consideration will be given for either a rescheduled event or the event in 2021.


  1. Planning Applications (agenda item 5)

B/19/0441 Land to the West of Cherry Tree Cottage, Fen Road, Frampton PE20 1SF – appeal. The Council had no further comments or observations to make. The comments and observations made with the original application remain. 


  1. Mirror at Fivehouse Lane/Silvertoft (agenda item 6)

The Council RESOLVED not to replace the mirror.


  1. Hammond Beck Bridge at Fen Road/Chain Bridge Road (agenda item 7)

The damage to the bridge at Fen Road/Chain Bridge Road has been reported to LCC (fixmystreet) and a response has been received saying that repair will be scheduled.


  1. Annual Parish Meeting (agenda item 8)

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis the Annual Parish meeting scheduled for 16th April 2020 will be postponed for a minimum period of 4 months.


  1. Lighting of the Beacon (agenda item 9)

Due to the COVID-19 crisis the lighting of the Beacon to celebrate the 75th anniversary of VE day has been cancelled.


  1. Community Speedwatch (agenda item 10)

Due to the current situation regarding the COVID-19 crisis Frampton Parish Council will not be organising a Community Speedwatch at present.  This will be reviewed at a later date. The Clerk will inform Kirton Parish Council.


  1. Grant application for replacement windows Church House Village Hall (agenda item 11)

Church House Village Hall had submitted a Grant Application to cover half of the costs for two replacement windows.  The Council RESOLVED to accept this grant request.


  1. Adoption of Terms of Reference V1.0 dated 21/2/20 (agenda item 12) The Council RESOLVED to adopt the Terms of Reference V1.0 dated 21/2/20. 


  1. Grass cutting payment review – utility areas not covered by LCC (agenda item 13)

The Council RESOLVED to increase the annual payment for the ground maintenance of St. Michael’s Church to £750 per annum paid twice yearly in June and November.


  1. New website update (agenda item 14)

The Clerk reported that she had attended a training course on the new website to be provided by LCC.  The Clerk is currently awaiting a log in.  LCC have informed each Parish that they will be responsible for transferring all relevant data from the old site to the new.  LCC recommended that a member of the Council should also have a separate log in and access to administering the new website.  It was RESOLVED that Cllr Ashton would be admin support on the website and Cllr Ashton will email LCC to request a separate login.


  1. Twitter account (agenda item 15)

The Clerk reported that Frampton Parish Council now have a Twitter account




  1. New sealed passwords V5 (agenda item 16) 

Sealed envelopes were handed to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman with updated passwords following the setting up of the Twitter account.  This will again be updated once the login has been received from LCC for the new website.


  1. GDPR update (agenda item 17)

The Clerk reported that FPC had not received any complaints or queries regarding privacy since the last meeting.


  1. Clerk’s Report (agenda item 18)
    1. New certificate for ex Cllr Reams from LALC for service of 31 years.
    2. Letter of engagement received from the appointed internal auditor – the audit has been postponed from 3rd April 2020 and the Clerk is awaiting guidelines from the external auditor
    3. Reported bed base dumped on the London Road
    4. Reported two black bin liners in Clatterdykes just past Thornimans Lane towards Wyberton 
    5. Reported 10-12 tyres at layby next to entrance of Westgate Woods
    6. Reported 8 black bin bags down Millfield Road East and all the plastic under the big tree
    7. Cllrs Balgarnie and Hladun booked on new Councillor training course 8/9/20 (subject to COVID-19)
    8. Concrete cover outside the Manor House has been fixed and there is now a metal drainage cover
    9. Reported very large dumped pile of garden rubbish in Millfield Lane East
    10. Traffic restriction Hubberts Bridge 20/3/20 – 27/3/20 and also 16/3/20 – 3/4/20
    11. Reported dumped rubbish bag in Ralphs Lane
    12. Reported 12 separate dumped rubbish bags in Millfield Lane East 13/3/20
    13. Reported Amco Giffen van blocking line of sign at HB level crossing to A52
    14. Grosvenor Sign replaced


  1. Correspondence (agenda item 19)
    1. Parish bulletin
    2. LCC Town and Parish Bulletins
    3. Event Came and Company
    4. LALC e news
    5. Calor Rural Community Fund
    6. Lincolnshire Funding Portal
    7. NALC Spring conference postponed
    8. LALC News cover photos
    9. Confirmation of registration of 75th celebration of VE day – subsequently cancelled
    10. Coronavirus – updates from various external organisations
    11. Planning application B/20/0029 – application for Certificate of Lawfulness for a single storey side garage (existing use) at Hawthorne Cottage, Sandholme Lane, PE20 1NG.  This application was received too late to be a specific agenda item but the Clerk will use her power (Standing Order 14(xv)) to collate comments from all Councillors and submit to Boston Borough Council.



  1. Financial matters (agenda item 20)

(a) Bank Account – the bank account is £22080.79 as of today. The first half of the precept for 2020/21 will be received 1/4/20 (less annual maintenance charge for lighting) 

  1. Bank account mandate –a bank mandate was authorised for the two new Councillors (Balgarnie and Hladun) to be added as signatories. 
  2. BACs to be approved – the following BACs were approved for payment

Date                           Recipient                                           Amount        VAT        Total

19/03/2020                Clerk salary                                              526.00                    526.00

19/03/2020                Clerk expenses                                           54.54        0.20        54.74

24/03/2020                HMRC Income Tax                                    102.20                    102.20

154. Emergency planning  (extraordinary General meeting)

Due to the current COVID-19 crisis the Council called an extraordinary general meeting to RESOLVE the following temporary emergency measures.  The list of items to be covered had been circulated by the Clerk earlier. The decision not to hold a specific extraordinary meeting the following week, although outside legislation, was taken due to the health and safety of the Council.

The following was RESOLVED



That the Parish Council recognises and agrees that no business, meeting, service provision or service delivery of the Authority is of any importance above that of public and personal safety. As such all scheduled public meetings will be cancelled for an initial 4 month period (or as circumstances dictate).



That the Parish Council recognises that any help or support that can be given to vulnerable residents of the Parish should be available.  The Clerk will be the main point of contact. If a member of the public identifies a friend or neighbour who needs additional help or support they MUST gain the permission of the resident prior to contacting the Clerk.




That the attendance by elected Members and the member of staff of the Parish Council at appointed outside bodies, training courses or on relevant Parish Council business be subject to a) cancellation by the lead body, organisation or group: b) self-preservation or c) legislation.



That the Parish Council gives delegated authority to the Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer (in consultation with the Chairman/Deputy Chairman or the respective substantive committees (i.e. Planning, Admin, Community Resilience) to: suspend any relevant Standing Order or Financial Regulation as necessary to ensure the smooth running and operation (wherever possible) of the Parish Council for a period of no longer than 4 months) (or as circumstances dictate), with the Parish Clerk/RFO to compile and maintain a list of such suspensions and reasons which will be presented to a future meeting of the Parish Council for scrutiny.




That as the cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the Annual Meeting of the Parish (scheduled for Thursday 16th April, 2020) the Parish will hold such a meeting at a future date.

It is noted that whilst the above decision is contrary to existing legislation (as of 19th March 2020) the Parish has made this decision in order to place public safety at the forefront.



That as the cancellation of meetings has a direct impact on the Annual General Meeting of the Parish (scheduled for Thursday 21st May, 2020) the role of Chairman and Deputy Chairman and the existing committee structures (including the chairmanship of such) will remain the same until a suitable and safe public meeting is called and held.

It is noted that whilst the above decision is contrary to existing legislation (as of 19th March 2020) the Parish has made this decision in order to place public safety at the forefront.



When the Clerk/RFO receives an invoice for service delivery (where the BACs payment sheet cannot be signed in person) she will email an authorisation request to pay to two signatories of the bank account and keep a list of all approved payments to be presented at the next full Council meeting (whenever that may be).   This will also include the Clerk/RFO’s month salary and expenses (after submission of hours and expenses for authorisation).



The Clerk will scan and send the monthly bank statement to the Deputy Chairman for him to electronically verify.



To authorise an increase in the spending limit to the Clerk/RFO in consultation with the Chairman and or Deputy Chairman from £500 to £1260 in respect of any emergency or Health and Safety Matter. (Financial Regulation 4.1). 



To follow the guidelines and legislation when published by the external auditors PKF Littlejohn and should delay be necessary in submitting the AGAR due to cancellation of meetings therefore unable to issue a minute number on section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2019/20 and section 2 – Accounting Statements 2019/20.



Should any Planning applications be received the Clerk will email to all Councillors and collate comments and use her delegated power (Standing Order section 14 (xv). Should the Planning committee deem that the proposed planning application requires a wider audience to comment then advice will be sought from Boston Borough Council on how to proceed at that time.



That delegation is afforded to the Clerk/RFO to update policy documentation where revision dates are the only necessary updates and such updates to be ratified by the Parish Council at a future meeting.  Where any legislation changes are necessary, the Parish Council will update relevant documentation and implement any necessary changes.



To keep elected Members (via email/telephone calls) and members of the Public (via the Parish council website, notice boards and Twitter (where appropriate) (where and when relevant and practicable) updated on advice from (and as relevant):

  • The World Health Organisation
  • Central Government and the NHS
  • Lincolnshire Resiliance Forum (LRF)/Emergency Planning Team
  • The National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
  • The Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC)
  • Any other recognised public body 

155. Date, time and venue of the next meeting (agenda item 21) To be arranged when considered safe to do so.