October 2019 Minutes



Present:                     Cllrs Burton (Chairman), Ashton (Deputy Chairman), Royce and Hildred


In attendance:          Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer)


The Police had sent in a report of one incident during the month of an assault in Bannisters Lane with the investigation currently ongoing.


70. Apologies (agenda item 1)

Cllrs Deane and Cooper had notified the Clerk of their inability to attend and the Council RESOLVED to accept their reason for absence.  Apologies were also received from Cllr Watson (Boston Borough Council), Cllr A Austin (Lincs County Council) and the Police.


71. Declarations of Interest (agenda item 2)



72. Approval of minutes for meeting held 19th September 2019 (agenda item 3)

The Council RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of 19/9/19 as a true record.


73. Environment of the Parish (agenda item 4)

i) Cllr Burton reported he had collected the poppy wreath for Remembrance Sunday

ii) Cllr Burton reported he had put up the 30mph signs on Lighton Avenue and whilst performing the task had two “thank yous” from residents

iii) Cllr Burton reported that he had received a report on Sunday 13th October of a tree in Thornimans Lane partially blocking access.  The resident who reported the issue was unable to get hold of the owner of the tree.  Cllr Burton rang the Police, received an incident number and the tree had been totally removed some 12 hours later.

iv) Cllr Burton reported that he had retrieved the original Milestone from the resident in London Road who had been looking after it and, after discussions with the Milestone Historical Society, the Parish would relocate near Mill Hill bus stop after repair had taken place.

v) Cllr Burton reported that the road sign near the junction of Middlegate East near the Village Hall had been twisted round.  Cllr Burton put the sign back pointing in the correct positions and would further secure by fixing a more robust screw.

Cllr Austin (LCC) had submitted a report to the Clerk as follows:-

vi) The dropped kerbs on Middlegate Road West, near Lighton Avenue have been installed. The work was unable to be funded by the Developers but Highways agreed to fund.

vii) The outstanding request for a dropped kerb on Middlegate Road East at the junction with Clatterdyke is still under review as Highways report that there isn’t room to fit the tactile required. The situation will be monitored to see if further justification is forthcoming to justify further action.  The Parish Council resolved to speak further with Highways as this is directly on a route for Parishioners to St. Marys Church.

viii) New chevron signs at Frampton Fen Lane have now been ordered. 




74. Planning Applications (agenda item 5)

i) B/19/0363 2 storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory Pentewan, Bannisters Lane, PE20 1RD

The application also included relocation of garage.  The Parish Council had no comments or observations on the two storey extension but felt it was unacceptable to put a solid brick wall within close proximity of the neighbours windows when the garage was relocated.

ii) B/19/0385 Agricultural storage building at Four Crossroads Farm, Holmes Road, PE20 1SJ

There were no comments or observations

iii) B/19/0410 Revised plans for new dwelling at The Spinney, Ralphs Lane, PE20 1RJ

The Parish Council had no comments or observations on the revised plans but reaffirmed that the dwelling should not be used for business activities (refer original decision and comments made B/18/0233).


75. GDPR update (agenda item 6)

The Clerk reported that there had been no complaints or queries regarding privacy since the last meeting.


76. Password List V4 to Chairman and Deputy (agenda item 7)

The Clerk handed sealed envelopes with updated passwords to the Chairman and Deputy who will destroy the previous version.


77. Hedge at Middlegate Road East - previously 26(vi) & 34(x) (agenda item 8)

The Clerk had attempted to receive three quotes for the work.  Only one quote had been received from WCG who have undertaken this work previously and the Council resolved to request WCG to carry out the work again.


78. Chairman’s report on Shining Star nomination (agenda item 9)

The Chairman reported he had attended the Shining Star nominations award ceremony with ex Cllr and Chairman Reams and Mrs Reams.  Ex Cllr Reams had been nominated by Frampton Parish Council for the award. Ex Cllr Reams was unsuccessful in winning the award but received a Certificate for long service to the Parish Council.


79. Clerk’s salary review decision (agenda item 10)

The Clerk had requested a salary review as she believed her duties were more in line with LC2 than LC1 which she is currently on.  The Personnel Committee met and indicated that the Clerk’s duties probably fell more in line with LC2 but because a salary review had taken place in January 2019 a further review would not take place until January 2020 when the Clerk’s appraisal was due.


80. Preliminary Budget for 2020/21 precept (agenda item 11)

The Clerk handed out current expenditure against what was forecasted for the 2019/20 precept.  The Parish Council agreed that expenditure was pretty much in line and a updated report will be prepared by the Clerk for discussion at the January 2020 meeting where the 2020/21 precept will be set.




81. Clerk’s report (agenda item 12)

  1. Reported the fly tipping at 28 Grosvenor Road
  2. Emailed Borough Councillor Nigel Welton re B/15/0480 – no response received so far.
  3. Emailed Alan Watts (Enforcement) re Cheery Tree Lodge and the Portacabin at Cuthberts Lane
  4. Spoke with Planning re SPC Developments and the request to put a further access from West End Road thereby cutting the hawthorn hedge further – applicant received a favourable decision
  5. ICO annual fee of £35 renewed automatically by Direct debit
  6. Attended Clerks liaison meeting – main points were DPIs vs Conflict of Interest


87. Correspondence (agenda item 13)

The following correspondence had been received throught the month and circulated to all Councillors

  1. LALC weekly updates
  2. Rural Bulletins
  3. Parish newsletter
  4. Road closure Frampton Fen Road 25th & 26th November


89. Financial matters (agenda item 14)

a) The Clerk reported that the bank balance currently stood at £25898.96 after second half of precept had been received on 1st October.  This is prior to the BACs listing being approved.

b) The following Bacs were approved








Clerk salary




(£59.80  tax to be paid Jan 2020)


Clerk expenses






J Cooper Grass Cutting






WCG Hedge Cutting






Boston Borough Council






Church House Village Hall






Hubberts Bridge CC


















90. Date, time and venue of the next meeting (agenda item 15)

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 21st November 2019 at 1930 at Hubbert’s Bridge Community Centre, Hubbert’s Bridge.