May 2019 Minutes



Present:                     Cllrs Burton, Deane, Hildred and Royce


In attendance:          Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer), Cllr A Austin (LCC), two members of the Public


17. To receive nominations for, and to appoint a Chairman (agenda item 1)

Cllr Deane proposed Cllr Burton to remain as Chairman and this was seconded by Cllr Royce. The Council voted unanimously. Cllr Burton signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office before the Clerk.


18.To receive nominations for, and to appoint a Deputy Chairman (agenda item 2)

As none of the three other Councillors wished to be considered for the post of Deputy Chairman it was RESOLVED to move agenda item 5 – Councillor vacancies to agenda item 2.


19. Councillor Vacancies (agenda item 5)

Stuart Ashton and John Cooper proposed they be co-opted back to the Council and it was RESOLVED that they be appointed as Councillors.


20. To receive nominations for, and to appoint a Deputy Chairman (continued agenda item 2)

Cllr Hildred proposed Cllr Ashton as Deputy Chairman and this was seconded by Cllr Deane. The Council voted unanimously. Cllr Ashton signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office before the Clerk.


21. Apologies (agenda item 3)

Apologies were received from the three newly appointed Borough Councillors, Nigel Welton, Peter Watson and Shaun Blackman.


22.  Police and Public Matters (10 minute forum) (agenda item 4)

Two members of the public introduced themselves as the new owners of the Moore’s Arms and outlined their plans for the renovation of the property and change of use.  Frampton Parish Council formally welcomed them to the Village.  The two members of the public then left the meeting.


23. Signing of Declaration of Office, Registration of Local Choice Interests and Disclosable Pecuniary Interests forms (agenda item 6)

The Clerk handed out the three relevant forms for all six Councillors for completion. The signed Declaration of Office forms will be posted on the website and the Registration of Local Choice Interests and Disclosable Pecuniary Interests forms will be sent to the Democratic Services Manager at Boston Borough Council.


24. Receipt of any Declarations of Interest (agenda item 7)

There were no declarations of interest.


25. Approval of minutes for meeting held 18th April 2019 (agenda item 8)

Cllr Austin (LCC) pointed out that she had informed the Clerk of her inability to attend the meeting of 18/4/19 which had been omitted so the minutes were amended to reflect this. The Council RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of 18/4/19 as a true record.


26. Environment of the Parish (agenda item 9)

(i) Cllr Austin (LCC) had nothing new to report.  The Clerk informed Cllr Austin that she had received an email from Graeme Butler of Lincs Road Safety Partnership regarding the Chevron sign in Frampton Road informing her that he is in discussion with Andy Wharff, Local Network Manager, re an interim measure. Mr Wharff is considering some chevron boards in frames as a temporary measure until such a time that the flexi chevrons get a repair.

(ii) Cllr Deane reported a large pothole in the middle of Middlegate East near Lenton Way.  This road is on the bus route.  The Clerk will report to fixmystreet.

(iii) Cllr Ashton reported that spasmodic “run aways” had been channelled into the verge on the A52 which had made a huge difference to flooding after heavy rain.

(iv) Cllr Hildred reported that the verges had not been re-instated at Cleymond Court which is nearing completion.  The Clerk will write to the Enforcement Officer at Boston Borough Council.

(v) Cllr Burton reported he had received a telephone call from a resident in Lenton Way regarding large nettles in the playing field behind her house.  This field is maintained by Frampton United Charities and Cllr Cooper reported plans were in place to spray these nettles as soon as the recent north easterly winds changed direction. Cllr Burton will report this to the resident concerned.

(vi) Cllr Burton reported that the large hedge which runs down Middlegate Road East was beginning to grow again.  The Council RESOLVED to cut this hedge annually in September/October and the Clerk will obtain quotes and put on the agenda for July to determine a contractor.


27. Annual Insurance Renewal (agenda item 10).

The Clerk reported that she had received two quotes.  The Council RESOLVED to continue with the present insurance Company, Zurich.


28. GDPR update (agenda item 11)

The Clerk reported that there had been no complaints or queries regarding privacy since the last meeting.


29. Planning Application B/19/0144 (agenda item 12)

The Council discussed this application which is a revised application from B/18/0383.

Despite the new application reducing the number of bedrooms to three and a turning circle introduced previous concerns and observations remain.  The Council believe the site to be too small for a house of this size and concerns regarding parking for more than two cars near a very busy junction where the road narrows have not changed.


30. Speed Limit – Ralphs Lane (agenda item 13)

Frampton Parish Council had received a complaint from a Resident regarding speeding in Ralphs Lane especially near to the Bannister Lane/Fen Road junction. Despite the Council owning a speed device it is not possible to locate it in this area as only wooden telegraph posts exist which are not suitable for mounting the device. The problem of speeding in this 50mph limit has been an ongoing concern for many years and the Council believe they are unable to influence any further change.  The Clerk will write to the Resident suggesting he contacts Lincs Road Safety Partnership and, if no joy there, then Highways who have the ability to resolve this problem.


31. Clerks report (agenda item 14)

  1. Planning training Cllrs Burton, Hildred and Clerk 30/5/19 at 1800
  2. NALC Login received for Good Councillors Guide to Good Employers as Monitoring Officer had advised all Clerks read this
  3. Light 51 was replaced with a new lantern at £650 plus VAT
  4. Light 33 was replaced under maintenance contract
  5. Good Councillor Guide – return of ex Councillor’s copies – the Clerk will contact the ex Councillors
  6. Had contacted Cllr May to obtain a set of keys for Hubberts Bridge. Council RESOLVED that the Clerk should have a set of keys to both venues and the necessary procedures will be carried out for become a keyholder.



25. Correspondence (agenda item 15)

The following had been sent to all Councillors during the month

  1. Weekly Rural Bulletins
  2. LALC Weekly updates
  3. LALC 3rd annual Resilient Communities conference
  4. Parish Newsletter
  5. RSN Rural Funding Digest May 2019
  6. Declaration of results from Boston Borough Council


26. Donation request from Boston Community (agenda item 16)

A request for a donation had been received from Boston Community. The Council RESOLVED not to make a donation as the funds budgeted in the pre-cept is for the local community.


27. Donation request from Jerry Green Dogs (agenda item 17)

A request for a donation had been received from Jerry Green Dogs. The Council RESOLVED not to make a donation as the funds budgeted in the pre-cept is for the local community.


28. Donations, Grants and Loans Policy V2.0 dated 16/5/19 for adoption (agenda item 18)

A proposed V2.0 of the Donations, Grants and Loans policy had been circulated for review prior to the meeting and the Council RESOLVED to adopt the policy.


29. Financial Matters (agenda item 19)

a) Bank Account update – the bank account currently stands at £21008.08. Budgeted spend will lower this to approximately £5000 before receipt of second half of precept in October.

b) BACs to be approved

The following BACS were approved








Clerk salary




(£32.40 tax to be paid June 2019)


Clerk expenses






Annual Insurance






Boston Borough (light 51)






Boston Borough (election)












*These costs are maximum costs and the amount may reduce.

c) Signatories to be added/removed from bank mandate.  A new bank mandate was signed removing the three Councillors who did not stand again and adding Cllr Hildred who was co-opted in November.


30. Date, time and venue of next meeting (agenda item 20)

The next meeting will be held at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre on Thursday 20th June 2019 at 1930.