February 2021 Minutes

1930 BY ZOOM.
Present: Cllrs Burton (Chairman), Deane, Hildred, Hladun, Ashton, Cooper, Royce
In attendance: Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer). Two members

of the Public

The Police reported that there were no incidents in Frampton since the last meeting.

91. Apologies for absence and reasons given (agenda item 1)
Cllr Austin (LCC) and the Police sent their apologies.
92.Declarations of interest (agenda item 2)
Cllr Hildred declared an interest in agenda item 8.
93.Approval of minutes held 21st January, 2021 (agenda item 3)
The Council resolved to adopt the minutes of 21st January 2021 as a true record.
94.Planning applications (agenda item 4)
a) B/20/0481 Siting of a shepherds hut for holiday letting at Park Cottages, Church End, Frampton,
Boston, PE20 1AH.
Frampton Parish Council commented on the fact that the shepherds hut is already sited in the
garden of Park Cottages and objected to the fact that the present siting of the shepherds hut
overlooks Memorial Cottage, a grade 2 listed building, and would be better sited near the
summerhouse to the north east of the garden at Park Cottages
b) B/21/0040 Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing extension at Larklands,
Station Road, Hubberts Bridge, Boston, PE20 3QR
Frampton Parish Council had no observations or comments.
95. Environment of the Parish including Cllr A Austin (agenda item 5)
a) Cllr Deane reported that she too had received complaints regarding the long beech hedge at
Church End (see agenda item 7)
b) Cllr Hladun reported potholes on Station Road and would report them on fixmystreet
c) Cllr Royce wished to thank two residents of Church Green Road who had undertaken a litter pick
d) Cllr Cooper wished to thank the residents who regularly do litter picks in Frampton (specifically the
Church End end).
e) Cllr Cooper also reported that he had repaired several potholes between the car park at the
Church and the thatched cottage.
f) Cllr Burton reported that Frampton Parish Council had been involved in the problems of the
flooding on Lenton Way. The Clerk had liaised with Cllr Austin on several occasions and was
receiving regular updates on the situation
g) Cllr Austin had sent an email for distribution regarding funding for smaller businesses specifically
affected by the Covid 19 situation.
96. Wooden Foot bridge that goes across the dyke on Sandholme Lane (agenda item 6)
The Clerk had received two emails from residents regarding the footbridge that goes across the dyke
in Sandholme Lane. The Chairman had visited the site and would report the situation to Highways.
The Clerk will inform the residents.
97. Long beech hedge at Church End (agenda item 7)
Several complaints had been received from residents regarding the hedge encroaching on the
footpath making accessibility difficult. The Clerk will write to the owners requesting them to cut it
back before the growing season.
98. Cherry Tree Lodge (agenda item 8)
The Parish Council had received complaints from residents regarding burning of rubbish on site
which was believed to be commercial waste. Concern was also expressed that the recently built
garage appeared to be used as a commercial office. The Clerk will write to the Enforcement Officer
and also Environmental Health requesting further investigation.

99.Clerk vacancy (agenda item 9)
Frampton Parish Council have appointed Mrs Michelle Cound as Proper Clerk and Responsible
Finance Officer who will start on Monday 22nd February 2021. The present Clerk will provide a
months handover and leave post after the next meeting.
100. Parish Payroll (agenda item 10)
Two options were presented to Council – 1) to remain using the HMRC Basic Tools software (which
has proved a problem occasionally and taken a lot of the Clerks time to resolve) or 2) to outsource
the payroll. Cllr Ashton to discuss with the new Clerk.
101. GDPR – update of Privacy (agenda item 11)
The Clerk reported there had been no complaints on privacy since the last meeting
102. Clerks Report (agenda item 12)
]i) Ordered new signs for Frampton Roads and Bannisters Lane
ii) Had computer problems fixed externally
iii) Complaint from resident re beech hedge in Church end – on agenda
iv) Query regarding playing in fields Middlegate Road East and associated dykes after Lenton
Road flooding

103. Correspondence (agenda item 13)
1. Covid briefing from Boston Borough Council
2. Request for support from Lives. I answered as per our Donations and
Grants policy
3. Road closure – Frampton Roads 2nd – 4th March 2021
4. Rewrite of section 4 of Governance and Accountability for smaller
5. B/20/0512 Jerboa, Hubberts Bridge Road, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1TW –
used power to report back to Boston Borough Council after speaking to all
6. B/21/0012 Fairmile 58 West End Road, Frampton, Boston, PE20 1BT -
used power to report back to Boston Borough Council after speaking to all
7. Cllr Austin (LCC) reporting problems of flooding in Lenton Way
8. Road closure Coupledykes 9th – 11th March
9. Boston Rural West newsletter
10. Policing and How it works
11. B/21/0061 land adjacent to 69 Middlegate Road planning application for
single storey building. The Clerk spoke to all Councillors at the meeting and
received two comments. 1) Bungalows are not built in that part of
Middlegate Road West due to flood risk and 2) the flood risk assessment
accompanying the planning application states for a house and not a
bungalow. The Clerk will use her power to report to Boston Borough
12. Boston Borough New Partnership information
13. Email from Residents regarding agenda item 4a
14. Business Recovery Fund

104. Financial Matters (agenda item 14)
a) The bank account stands at £27508.62 less tonights BACs. Payments to Cllr Ashton (for anti virus
software purchase) of £39.99 and Gendrot Web Designs (for repairing laptop) of £40 have been
made since the last meeting.
b) BACs approved
Date Recipient Amount VAT Total

Clerk salary &
expenses 447.38 447.38

(£ 70.60 tax to
be paid Apr

105. Date, time and venue of the next meeting (agenda item 15)
Thursday 18th March 2021 at 1930 by Zoom

Meeting closed at 2045