July 2020 Minutes



Present:                     Cllrs Burton (Chairman), Deane, Hildred, Hladun, Royce


In attendance:          Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer)



27.  Apologies for absence and reasons given (agenda item 1)

Cllrs Balgarnie and Ashton sent their apologies and the reason for absence were accepted by the Council. Cllr Austin (LCC) also sent her apologies.


28.  Declarations of Interest (agenda item 2)

Cllr Hildred declared an interest in agenda item 33c.


29. Approve of minutes for meeting held 18th June 2020 (agenda item 3)

The Council RESOLVED to adopt the minutes of 18th June 2020 as a true record.


30.  War Memorial (agenda item 4)

The volunteer who looks after the War Memorial has not been able to go regularly due to the current crisis.  Payment for this service is made annually as a donation. The Council discussed whether to draw up a specific contract for the work.  Cllr Royce needs to speak to the volunteer for another reason and will speak to her to see what is the best step. A decision will be taken at the next meeting.



31. Hedge at Middlegate Road (agenda item 5)

The Council RESOLVED to get the hedge cut twice a year, late spring and early Autumn. The Clerk has previously put the job out to tender on a yearly basis for the two cuts and we will remain with the current contractor for the foreseeable future.


32. Replacement street lights (agenda item 6)

The Council RESOLVED to replace six street lanterns this financial year.  The street lights to be replaced are 1,3,5,7 and 8 in Station Road, Hubberts Bridge and no. 43 in Middlegate Road just by the War Memorial.  The Clerk will place the order with Property Services at Boston Borough Council.



33. Environment of the Parish including Cllr A Austin (LCC) (agenda item 7)

  1. Cllr Hladun reported that work had been carried out at the level crossing at Hubberts Bridge but the actual gates could do with replacing. The Clerk will write to British Rail to request this.
  2. Cllr Burton informed the Council that a further request from Hubberts Bridge Community Centre for a replacement heater had been made via Cllr Ashton..  The request had been made originally in April 2018 but the appointed contractor did not carry out the work. The Council RESOLVED to ask HBCC to complete the Grant application form and obtain three quotes and once the Clerk receives this it will be put on the next agenda for discussion.
  3. Planning application B/20/0214 had been received too late to be put on the agenda.  The Clerk had contacted all Councillors to see if they had any comments or observations so she could use her power to respond to Boston Borough Council. Frampton Parish council had no objections but will request Applegate Homes (the contractors) to consider extending the footpath through to the end of Fen Road joining the A52.  The Clerk will write to Applegate copying Boston Borough Council with the email response.
  4. Cllr Austin (LCC) reported that at LCC Environment & Economy Scrutiny on Tuesday we recommended that the Paper and Cardboard collection initiative is rolled out countywide because the trial has been very successful - especially within the Borough and particularly in the section of my St Thomas ward that was included! Prepare for purple bins!! Also on a less positive note is the scaling back of the superfast Broadband initiative.
  5. Cllr Austin reported that she is asking for all the “brown” coloured signposts throughout Skeldyke and certainly in most of the Kirton and Frampton Marsh area to either be cleaned or replaced.


34. Results from traffic monitoring on Ralphs Lane/Bannisters Lane and Station Road, Hubberts Bridge (agenda item 8)

  1. Report received from LRSP on Bannisters Lane/Fen Road/Ralphs Lane concluding the results of the survey together with an analysis of the collision data show that the criteria required for either fixed or mobile speed camera enforcement is not met. A new “give way” sign at Bannisters Lane T junction with Ralphs Lane has been ordered
  2. LRSP reported that Station Road, Hubberts Bridge is monitored regularly and reviewed annually. So far results show very little excess speeding.


35. Clerk’s report (agenda item 9)

1.Wrote to Plusnet and HBCC and Church House re wifi

2.   Renewed contract for Church House on wifi – diarised to do Hubberts Bridge beginning of October

3.  Wrote to Larkwood Homes

4.. Reported rubbish and hoover dumped in Millfield Lane East

5. Reported to fixmystreet potholes in Hall Lane and Spotfield Lane (Cllr Cooper)

6. Reported to fixmystreet pavement from last bungalow on London Road to Middlegate West

7. Reported rubbish down Millfield Lane East and two lots on the Wyberton Low Road

8. Problems with Payroll and required technical support from HMRC

9. Reported bathroom cabinet dumped down Millfield Lane East

10. Reported blackbags and papers dumped in two separate places in Millfield Lane East



36. Correspondence (agenda item 10)

1. email from Frampton House re any help with history

2. Lincolnshire hoarding

3. Email of thanks from Flyswat

4. Thank you email from Church House village hall

5. Notice of the new web site

6. Email from Australia regarding help with Frampton history

7. LALC news

8. Police Commissioner scam survey

9. Email from resident re long beech hedge in Church End

10. Letter from HMRC re credits on PAYE account

11. Letter from LALC re trading standards

12. Lincs Police Commissions scam and fraud survey

13.Planning application B/20/0214 Proposed dwelling including associated works and alterations to the existing access and boundary at Winfield, Fen Road, Frampton West, BostonPE20 1SD


37. Financial Matters (agenda item 11)

Bank account stands at £26635.76 less todays Bacs as detailed below which all Councillors RESOLVED to sign off. The Clerks hours had previously been signed off by Cllrs Ashton and Burton.









Clerk salary & expenses




(£ 62.80 tax to be paid October 2020)


38. Date, time and venue of next meeting

Thursday 17th September 2020 at 1930 – awaiting Government guidelines whether we can resume face to face or need to continue with Zoom