October 2020 Minutes



Present:                     Cllrs Burton (Chairman), Deane, Hildred, Hladun, Ashton, Cooper, Cllr A Austin (LCC joined 2000 left 2015)


In attendance:          Alison Clarke (Clerk & Proper Officer, Responsible Finance Officer)


The Police were unable to attend but submitted a report of three incidents since the last meeting namely theft of motor vehicle in Ralphs Lane, attempted burglary in Ralphs Lane and theft at Boston Cropsprayers in Fen Road.



53.       Apologies for absence and reasons given (agenda item 1)



  1. Declarations of interest (agenda item 2)



  1. Approval of minutes held 17th September, 2020 (agenda item 3)

The Council resolved to adopt the minutes of 17 September 2020 as a true record.


  1. Planning applications (agenda item 4)

a) B/20/0329 Land adjacent to no. 69 Middlegate Road West PE20 1DA. The Parish Council had no comments or observations.

b) B/20/0344 at The Parish Council had no comments or observations

c) B/20/0352 Erection of a single storey garage, workshop and wood store at Pinchpenny Cottage, Thornimans Lane, Frampton, Boston PE20 1A. The Parish Council had no comments or observations


  1. Environment of the Parish including Cllr A Austin (agenda item 5)
  1. Cllr Hildred reported a street lamp out at the top of Fen Road (no.1).  The Clerk will report to Property Services
  2. Cllr Cooper reported that there had been several instances of rubbish dumped at St Mary’s Church including needles.  The Clerk will request occasional Policing as a deterrent
  3. Cllr Hladun requested further information on the level crossing gates at Hubberts Bridge.  The Clerk reported that they were scheduled to be replaced before the end of October.
  4. Cllr Hladun reported that Network Rail staff are still parking on the verge at the junction of the A1121.  The Clerk will report to Network Rail.
  5. Cllr Burton reported that Eon had reported a rusty street lamp in poor condition (no.3) at Fivehouse Lane junction with Fen Road.  The Council RESOLVED to have this replaced at the quoted cost of £650 plus VAT.  The Clerk will order with Property Services
  6. Cllr Burton requested comments and observations from Councillors regarding planning application B/20/0383 which had been received too late to be a specific agenda item.  By asking Councillors and if deemed not to require an emergency planning meeting the Clerk could use her power to report back to the Borough and not wait until following meeting.  There were no comments or observations (and the dwelling resides in the Parish of Kirton).
  7. Cllr Burton requested comments and observations from Councillors regarding planning application B/20/0377 which had been received too late to be a specific agenda item.  By asking Councillors and if deemed not to require an emergency planning meeting the Clerk could use her power to report back to the Borough and not wait until following meeting.  There were no comments or observations.
  8. Cllr Austin (LCC) informed the Parish Council that a Community Maintenance gang was allocated to her wards for three weeks in January 2021.  Cllr Austin requested that Councillors email the Clerk by beginning of December with suggestions of small repairs or sign cleaning or similar. 
  9. Cllr Austin reported that the crossroads at Bannisters Lane, Ralphs Lane and Fen Road had been discussed at her recent meeting with Highways and it was decided to ensure all signage and road markings were clear and legible as nothing further can be done
  10.  Cllr Austin reported that the request for dropped kerbs at Thornimans Lane junction with Middlegate Road East had been made


  1. War Memorial (agenda item 6)

Cllr Burton reported that he had commenced the preparation to clean and paint the railings around the War Memorial in time for the laying of the poppy wreaths.The Council RESOLVED to fund the paint and other items required and Cllr Burton will submit the receipt to the Clerk for payment.These repairs are a temporary fix and next year further discussions on renovation work for the War Memorial will be made.


  1. Remembrance Sunday (agenda item 7)

After discussions with the RBL and the Church it was decided that a service will not be held at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday.Instead a service will be held in the graveyard of St Mary’s Church at the graves of the three soldiers where social distancing can be observed.The wreaths will be transported to the War Memorial the 11th November 2020.


  1. Litter Bin at Mill Hill bus stop (agenda item 8)

The Council RESOLVED to request a litter bin at a cost of £250 to be installed at Mill Hill Bus Shelter.The Clerk will determine who will be responsible for emptying the bin.


  1. GDPR – update on privacy (agenda item 9)

The Clerk reported there had been no complaints on privacy since the last meeting


  1. Clerk’s Report (agenda item 10)
  1. Chased Network Rail that the level crossing gates at Hubberts Bridge be replaced or painted
  2. Reported the Frampton sign in Horseshoe Road
  3. Chased up branches to be cut at street lamp no. 2 in Thornimans Lane
  4. Reported the Frampton Roads sign
  5. Had ongoing problems with HMRC Basic Tools
  6. The six street lamps (5 Station Road Hubberts Bridge and one Middlegate Road East) have been replaced. However the invoice has not yet been received from Boston Borough



  1. Correspondence (agenda item 11)
    1. Track and trace app from LCC
    2. LALC e news
    3. Covid 19 poster
    4. LALC AGM
    5. Role of Highways and Lead Local Flood Authority event circulated by LALC
    6. LALC information on Local Electricity Bill
    7. B/20/0383 First floor extension over existing garage and games room at 22 The Willows, Holmes Road, Kirton, Boston, PE20 1SP (see environment of the Parish item 57 (6)
    8. Remembrance Sunday information from LALC
    9. B/20/0377 ; Land adjacent to Sunray, London Road, Frampton, Boston PE20 1BN (see environment of the Parish item 57 (7)




  1. Financial Matters (agenda item 12)
    1. The bank account currently stands at £35061.24 less tonights BACs after receipt of 2nd precept payment.  We have not had the invoice yet from Boston Borough Council for the six replacement street lamps.
    2. The BACs list had been circulated prior to the meeting and it was RESOLVED to accept all payments listed.









Clerk salary  and expenses




(£ 97.00 tax to be paid Jan 2021)






(adjustment for Q2)


LALC Councillor training






RBL - Poppy Wreath






John Cooper 2nd grass payment







  1. Date, time and venue of the next meeting (agenda item 13)

Thursday 19th November 2020 at 1930 by Zoom