March 2023 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Ashton (Chairman), Cllr Burton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Royce, Cllr Deane, Cllr Balgarnie, Cllr Hildred, Cllr Clare, Cllr Hladun.
In attendance: Max Barlow (Clerk & Responsible Finance Officer).
1. Apologies for Absence and reasons given (Agenda item 1 16.03.23)
2. Declarations of Interest: (Agenda item 2 16.03.23)
Cllr Hildred declared an interest if Cherry Tree Lodge were to be brought up. Cllr Burton declared an interest in the Coronation Discussion.
3. Approval of the minutes for meeting held 16th February 2023 (Agenda item 3 16.03.23)
The council resolved to adopt the minutes of 16th February 2023 as a true record.
4. Planning Applications (Agenda item 4 16.03.23)
a) B/23/0068 - Application for works affecting a TPO - Land North of Middlegate Road West, Frampton, Boston, PE20 1BZ – Frampton Parish Council had no comments or observations.
b) B/23/0055 - Listed Building Consent - The Beeches, Coach House & Stable Block, Clatterdykes Road, Frampton, Boston PE20 1AL - Frampton Parish Council had no comments or observations.
c) B/23/0063 - Full Planning Permission - New Orleans, Station Road, Hubberts Bridge, Boston, PE20 3QT – Part of Kirton Parish so no comments or observations, Clerk to let Boston Borough aware.
d) B/22/0421/CD1 - Discharge of Condition - Land adjacent, Ashtons Cottages, Swineshead Road, Frampton Holme, PE20 1SF - Frampton Parish Council had no comments or observations.
e) B/23/0089 - Certificate of Lawfulness (existing use) - Marsh Farm Cottage Frampton Roads, Frampton, Boston PE20 1AY – Frampton Parish Council had no major objections but would like the clerk to email for clarification from Boston Borough about its council tax situation and whether it will be receiving business rates.
5. Environment of the Parish (Agenda item 5 16.03.23)
a) Cllr Clare spoke about fixing the steel railings at the war memorial. Still waiting on quote but once received will get on with works immediately.
b) Cllr Hildred mentioned road sign on Fen Road being buckled, which he will report to Fix My Street.
c) Cllr Hladun mentioned a car accident outside Fieldview earlier in the month. Unhappy as the safety of the parked cars outside were brought up at the previous meeting but feel that there is nothing as a Council we can do.
d) Cllr Hladun also brought up a situation he had been dealing with at Hubberts Bridge Hall, with it being under some Scrutiny about its running, and that they had a meeting with the Council about it being run more like a business. It’s to have some cameras installed, and for alcohol to only be sold at the bar and not taken in. The talks apparently went very well, and the hall will also be receiving new Kitchen and Carpets.
e) Cllr Burton mentioned that he had spoken to our County Councillor who had some messages she would like to be passed on. She mentioned that Lenton Way road gully was still blocked. Need clarification on whether Poppy wreaths have been paid, but the council believed it has. Apparently, there was an attempted break in at Cherry Tree Cottage, backing on to St Michaels park, but nothing was stolen. St Michaels had a successful pancake evening. Cllr Burton gives his apologies for the meeting in April. Lastly reported that the fence down Sandholme Lane is broken, which needs reporting to Fix My Street.
f) Cllr Royce mentioned that the Pot Holes he had reported last meeting had been reported by him on Fix My Steet and by the Tuesday after someone had already come to mark them out, and that while they still haven’t been fixed he was very pleased with the quick response.
g) Cllr Ashton reported on the health of the previous Clerk, and mentioned how while she still wasn’t home, he’d spoken on the phone to her and she sounded much more upbeat which all Councillors were very happy to hear.
6. May Elections (Agenda item 6 16.03.23)
The Clerk mentioned that they had been in contact with the Elections Officer at Boston Borough, and had received Nomination Packs for all the Councillors, and made them aware that they needed to be handed in by the 4th April at 4PM. Cllr Deane alerted everyone that she will not be standing again, and Cllr Ashton requested that the Clerk to put a post on the Frampton Facebook group looking for some new people to potentially run as new Parish Councillors.
7. Coronation (Agenda item 7 16.03.23)
Cllr Burton spoke about his meeting at St Michaels previously, and as a council we decided to cap the expenditure offered to them to provide food, cake, etc at £300 which was agreed to be sufficient. It was also discussed that St Michaels will not be charging the public or making profit from this event, as was the case with the Platinum Jubilee.
Cllr Balgarnie spoke about the WI’s big help out they will be doing on the Monday. They are to clean up the front garden at St Michaels, and to have refreshments in the hall.
8. GDPR – Update on privacy (Clerk) (Agenda item 8 16.03.23)
No updates.
9. Clerks Report (Agenda item 9 16.03.23)
The Clerk reported that they have their first set of LALC beginner Clerk training next week, which they hope will bring them more up to speed. They then reported that they had received a response from Boston Borough Planning on Cherry Tree Lodge saying that the new outbuilding falls within permitted development and the waste outside is not an environmental health concern at the moment. The Council were not pleased with this response and have asked the Clerk to write back and ask for more clarification as the outbuilding is definitely bigger than what is permitted without planning permission, and it does not fall on the original plans. Lastly, the Clerk mentioned that they had received a tour of the Parish the Sunday before the meeting from Cllr Ashton when putting up the Agenda around Frampton and found it very useful.
10. Correspondence (Agenda item 10 16.03.23)
No update as new Clerk Max has not gone through handover. The Chairman approved Clerks wages.
11. Date, time and venue of next meeting (Agenda item 11)
The next meeting will be held at Frampton Village Hall, Thursday the 20th of April 2023 at 19:30hrs.
The meeting ended at 20:35hrs.