January 2025 Agenda
Clerk to the Council
Miss Lana Maclennan-James
Jeadon Farmhouse,
Langrick Road,
PE20 3SG
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Frampton Parish Council which will be held at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre, on Thursday the 16th January at 19:30hrs. The business to be dealt with is listed on the agenda below which will follow the ten minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak.
Lana Maclennan-James
Clerk of Frampton Parish Council
10th January 2025
1. Apologies for Absence and reasons given.
2. Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
3. Approval of minutes for meeting held 21st November 2024.
4. Planning applications
i. B/24/0524
5. To discuss the environment of the Parish.
6. To discuss the 2025/2026 Precept.
7. To discuss the Kirton Library proposal/update from Cllr Balgarnie.
8. To discuss the details and work plan for the next quiz night.
9. To discuss the Milestone removal and re-instatement, work party.
10. To discuss Cherry Tree Lodge following the reply from Boston Council.
11. Clerk’s Report & GDPR.
12. Correspondence received.
13. To discuss financial matters/payments.
a) BACs to be approved.
b) Update on Bank Account.
14. Date, time, and venue of next meeting.