January 2022 Agenda
Clerk to the Council
Mrs Michelle Cound
Lea Elms, 1 Coningsby Close
PE21 8HP
07398 948103/framptonparishcouncil@yahoo.com
Dear Councillor,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Meeting of Frampton Parish Council which will be held on Thursday 20th January 2022 at Frampton Village Hall at 19.30hrs. The business to be dealt with is listed on the Agenda below which will follow the ten-minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak.
Michelle Cound 15th January, 2022
================ Clerk to the Council ==================== Date
1. Apologies for Absence and reasons given
2. Declarations of Interest
3. Approval of the minutes for meeting held 18th November 2021
4. Allison Homes, Frampton Development
5. Planning Applications
a) B/22/0001; Siri Nilyam, 2 Thorney Lane, Frampton, Boston PE20 1BF
b) B/21/0544; Ashton’s Plot, Swineshead Road, Frampton Fen, Boston PE20 1SF
6. Environment of the Parish Including Cllr A Austin LCC
7. Queen’s Jubilee
8. Budget/Precept 2022
9. GDPR – update on privacy (Clerk)
10. Clerk’s report. Correspondence
a) Update on bank account
b) BACs to be approved
11. Date, time and venue of the next meeting – To be resolved