November 2020 Agenda



Clerk to the Council


Mrs Alison Clarke

Mayfield, Millfield Lane West

Frampton, Boston

PE20 1BW

01205 612894/


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Meeting of Frampton Parish Council which will be held on Thursday 19th November 2020 at 1930 by Zoom. The business to be dealt with is listed on the Agenda below which will follow the ten minute allocation for the Police and Public to speak. The Zoom Meeting ID is 833 6997 6659   password 384699.


Alison Clarke                                                                            12th November, 2020

================ Clerk to the Council                           ==================== Date




1.         Apologies for Absence and reasons given

2.         Declarations of Interest

3.         Approval of minutes for meeting held 15th October 2020

4.         Planning applications

a) B/20/0402 Erection of external fire escape at Ralphlands, Hope Health Limited Care Home, Ralphs Lane, Frampton, Boston, PE20 1QU

b) B/20/0421 Single storey rear extension following demolition of existing conservatory at Treetops, Middlegate Road East, Frampton, Boston, PE20 1AW

c) B/20/0414 Listed Building Consent to replace four existing original doors, one new door, the existing kitchen door (a modern, non-fire rated glass panelled door)

and two second story doors (wooden, modern, non-fire rated) with modern FD30 fire doors, frames, fire rated hinges, seals and strips at R.S.P.B, Roads Farmhouse,

 Frampton Roads, Frampton, Boston PE20 1AY

5.         Environment of the Parish including Cllr A Austin LCC

6.            Footpath in Middlegate East from Clatterdykes junction down to War Memorial7.         

7.         Clerks annual appraisal and salary review

8.         Preliminary budget for 2021/2022 Precept

9.            GDPR – update on privacy (Clerk)

10.          Clerk’s report

11.       Correspondence

12.        Financial matters

            a) Update on bank account

            b) BACs to be approved

13.       Date, time and venue of the next meeting – Thursday 21st January 2021 at 1930 by Zoom