February 2020 Agenda



Clerk to the Council

Mrs Alison Clarke

Mayfield, Millfield Lane West



Lincs, PE20 1BW

01205 612894/framptonparishcouncil@yahoo.com


Dear Councillor,


You are hereby summoned to attend the Parish Meeting of Frampton Parish Council which will be held on Thursday 20th February 2020 at Hubberts Bridge Community Centre, Hubberts Bridge at 1930.   The business to be dealt with is listed on the Agenda below.


Alison Clarke                                                                          14th February, 2020

================ Clerk to the Council                           ==================== Date



Police and Public Matters (to hold at ten minute forum for members of the Public and Police to speak


  1. Apologies for Absence and reasons given
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Approval of minutes for meeting held 16th January 2020
  4. Co-Options
  5. Environment of the Parish
  6. Planning applications
  1. B/19/0520 Hybrid planning application seeking full planning permission for part change of use of golf course for siting of caravans and associated works, Boston West Golf Centre PE20 3SG
  2. B/20/0034 Construction of a vehicular access and extension of existing roadside verge at Glenn House, Ralphs Lane PE20 1RQ
  1. Annual Parish Meeting and updated contacts list
  2. Social Media
  3. Lighting of the Beacon
  4. Appointment of Auditor
  5. GDPR update
  6. Clerk’s report
  7. Correspondence
  8. Financial matters
  1. Bank account
  2. Annual Direct Debit list
  3. BACs to be approved
  1. Date, time and venue of the next meeting – Thursday 19th March at 1930 at Church House Village Hall, Frampton